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Zboub le météor

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Everything posted by Zboub le météor

  1. Zboub le météor

    Make doors default locked ;-)

    nice idea, some locked door would not bother me. crowbar would get some attention !
  2. Zboub le météor

    4 Fully geared guys rekt with axe and sword :) axellent and swordtastic!

    i don't want to get stuck in a melee fight with you :D
  3. Zboub le météor

    Steam Achievements concept

    i would hate to see achiements in dayz. i can already imagine the "sorry dude for the freshspawn kill, it was for my steam achievement"... . i would not like that a small window pop-up the right of my screen in a game like dayz too.
  4. Zboub le météor

    whats the plan for optimization?

    reduce view distance, my config is lower than yours and i run at 20 FPS in big cities and 50-60 in the wilderness.
  5. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    EDIT: it don´t need an bait, only netting with wire and deployed in the ocean. after 1 minute...mackerel is catched nice catch man ! i'm suprised that they call that fish mackerel because it's clearly a trachurus in the picture, representent of the carangidae family. this is a mackerel :
  6. Zboub le météor

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    hum, i think the 3 new vehicules are planned for 0.59
  7. try to take advantage of the 3PP view, you were an easy target as they could see you while you could not see them. an experienced player would have gotten you position using 3PP view then made a fast shot. in that situation you'll die 90% of the time. use this non persistent 0.57 loot orgy to boost your PVP skill ;)
  8. Zboub le météor

    New weapons damage in action

    yes there is some troubles with hit detection and overall damage. can't wait to see bullet penetrating bodies. a hand will no longer protect the body, in fact damage should be even worse with bones parts of the hand projected in the body.
  9. Zboub le météor

    CR527 + Hunting Scope - Worth It?

    i know that cr527 mags are more common now. still, what is wrong with what i wrote ?
  10. Zboub le météor

    Make firearms less powerful

    5.56, 5.45 and 9mm (last two beeing so weak in this 0.57 stable) need a buff damage-wise imo. they can have a different effects with vastly higher clothes/armor penetration, higher hard material penetration (doors, thin metallic parts etc...)... i don't know if .45 can go through door/thin material ingame. i noticed multiple time that you can drop an opponent unconscious with one bullet of 9mm, short unconsciousness with no bleeding.
  11. Zboub le météor

    CR527 + Hunting Scope - Worth It?

    agreed the CR 527 is still a "meh" weapon : - you need a magazine - most of the time, you have a single magazine so you need to take back the magazine, put ammo back in and then reload after your 5 first shots. multiple mags make it a viable choice, not a great one - sights are ok but inferior to blaze and winchester sights - 7.62*39mm is not that powerfull for a slow bolt action rifle, can be stacked to 20 only. definitely inferior to the .308 in power (.308 can be stacked to 40) - by the time you have a CR 527, a mag and spare ammo for it and a hunting scope, you'll probably find a winchester/blaze and multiple .308 ammo. the CR 527 only make sense if weapon are hard to find, it's definitely a carabine to skip on 0.57
  12. Zboub le météor

    Baseball bats are pretty nice :)

    nice to see this iconic "zombie weapon" in action :) but dam, as Handgun_Hero said, you took so many carabine shots :o , i'm sure your aggressor yelled "fuck this game" after his death :D . they nerfed gun damage too mutch in 0.57
  13. Zboub le météor

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

    that will be an option on private shards later, but not right now, this is too early in the development process. be sure there will be mod/special server with ton's of hight end military gear and other with barely a soda can on the whole map. we just have to wait for the 1.0 realease ;)
  14. Zboub le météor

    Make firearms less powerful

    i'm all for no "magic zeroing" on scopes, let's add some legitimate skill to long range engagements ! why not a minimal zeroing animation, but i think there is plenty of way more important animations to make distance should of course be taken in acount (is that not already the case for some weapons other than the .22 ?), but since there is no wind in dayz, i don't see wind deviation make it's way into dayz weapons magical slots are ok IMO, if it takes a rope to have it later, why not. but if we want to be realistic, i should be able to carry 4-5 rifles in my arm to stash them somewhere after a firegifht too ;) i'm ok with the rest exept nerfing the .45 ACP, it's a powerfull/large round that carry a lot of weight, one hit to the chest mean probable death. don't forget that the FNX .45 will be a rare gun, probably tied to chopper crashes, you won't see them as often as in 0.57 ;) . for damage, i'm all for a dominant "most probable effect" and % of random effect to simulate possibles vital/non-vital organs injuries. with a single shot fired to the chest, it could be : - with .308 from a full lenght rifle ---> 70% chances unconscious with heavy bleeding (medical assistance needed or slow death), 20% chances instant death, 10% chances staying conscious with heavy health lost and heavy bleeding. plate carrier offer 0 protection against .308 - with smaller round the result could be more balanced : 9mm ---> 10% chances instant death, 10% chances inconscious with heavy bleeding, 60% chances high health lost and heavy bleeding, 20% chances medium health lost and moderate bleeding. 0 damage if the target wear a plate carrier (plate carrier ruined after a few shots). - with .22 ---> 5% instant death, 5% inconscious with heavy bleeding, 20% high health lost with heavy bleeding, 40% moderate health lost and moderate bleeding, 30% light health lost with light bleeding... since vital organs are not simulated, that could be an option. i would like to see recoil on non aimed full auto, it's very hard to control when aimed, very easy to control without aiming...
  15. Zboub le météor

    Make firearms less powerful

    i would also like that the type of bullet : Full Metal Jacket or Hollowpoint/Jacketed Hollow point be taken in acount regarding damage. so far, 7.62*39mm are HP and 9*19mm are JHP, that should be taken in account.
  16. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    yes, i noticed some stranges things with current damages. i was used to see fully geared people go down unconscious with one .308 shot in the upper body (from winchester or blaze 95) in 0.57 experimental. i shot a guy this morning, right in the middle of the back with my .308 rifle and he kept running... i then shot him once again with at least one .45 ACP round out of my FNX, still not down. he finally dropped dead after another .45 ACP bullet. 1 .308 and 2 .45 ACP, that's a lot of firepower to drop one man ! i had one firefight with the AK74 too, hit 3 times a zigzagging target but it was not enought, i had to rush him and empty my mag at point blank to finish the job :( . i almost reconsider using the good old mosin since power is way more usefull than rate of fire with my playstyle and 7.62*54 seems to be on chest hit killer all the time.
  17. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    berezino spawn, 25 minutes later. 5 guards houses, so mutch loot... i'm getting bored with DayZ right now, i had some good PVP but that's it... . i'm starting to hope next XP will have almost no loot like the good old broken loot exp after 1 week.
  18. Zboub le météor

    Multi-Person Mechanics to discourage KOS

    it won't happend, dev's told us thay don't want the players to became an infected. by the way, there is no zombies in dayz, only living infected, when you shoot them, they die and won't come back. a lot of good ideas in this topic, i hope the dayz team take a look at this !
  19. Zboub le météor

    Where to find...

    sewing kits are pretty rare in 0.57. they can spawn in many type of houses and some industrial locations. i found maybe 3 of theses in one week. leather sewing kits are more common, try green coloured houses with a stair, they often spawn in the kitchen. Kashtan scopes spawn at Humvee wrecks and small guard houses (named bathroom in dayzmap). PSO-1 spawn on SVD at heli crashes (russian ones i think).
  20. looking back at bad reviews, i can't understand how people can spend 75-1000+ hours in a 20$-35$ alpha game and be so dam negative about it. i can understand bad reviews with less than 20 hours, the guy tried and didn't like it, ok then. but some have more than 400hours in dayz and still highly don't recommend the game saying it's total bullshit ??? how can you spend that mutch time in a game that you don't like ??? it either being totally dumb or highly frustrated... an alpha require patience, if you feel frustrated, take a break. DayZ is a bold initiative, an ambitious project breaking casual standard of common AAA games. the frustration many players feel is related with current gaming inductrie strategy IMO. [semi-off topic] Gaming industrie with increasing profits as a goal makes you play games like fast-food, steam is a dam macdonald. games must be fast, easy and entertain the customer for 10-20 hours then you trash it and buy another game. to sustain their objectives, the must make new games really fast, implying : short games from known franchises (mortal combat, assassins creed, call of duty, battlefield, PES...) that pre-sell and sell very well for 3-4 month, then it's dead and sold in bundle or discount. alternative ends, replayability, meh, that's not worth the time/money they require. big content ? meh, we'll make more money by cutting the game in pieces of DLC. a new highly marketed game is out every two months, players are impatient and can't stand the pace of development of dayz, i get it. they NEED to play far cry 13, fallout 19, call of duty dark : space ops or pro evolution soccer 121. but please stop whining and continue your fastfood gaming experience, play your assassins creed 15 and don't shit on a game that tries to be innovative and not a mass junkfood shitty game like EA or Ubisoft pieces of crap[/semi-off topic] sorry to disappoint you but the game will be out around 2017, after roughtly 3 years of developpement, which is quite common for a game of that size and ambition.
  21. Zboub le météor

    Sword damage worse than ever

    Don't mess with a fucking stormtrooper, you need a lightsaber, not a crappy sword !!!
  22. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    classic bug mate, happened to me many times. sometimes your legs are broken, sometimes you just die. the game fail to recognize your position on some multiple story buildings, teleporting you for a fraction of second on the floor below, causing fall damage. you actually don't see any teleportation, but your mates can see you glitching up and down sometimes, some dudes recorded this happening in a firestation. hitting "V" when you are upstair force the game to reactualise your position, it can prevent this bug on laggy servers.
  23. Zboub le météor

    Fists are overpowered

    interesting topic ! Fist KO mechanic is not OP, it's actually quite realistic. a solid punch to ear/jaw/chin should knock you out (so as a solid blow to the liver or solar plexus). ballistic helmets do not protect the jaw which is the N°1 target for anyone that has a little knowledge in combat sports. what is unrealistic : - you can't parry/attack with bayonnet or buttsock - players have WAY too mutch acceleration making them hard to aim with ranged weapons - players movement need more inertia so you can't change direction at full speed THAT fast. - punches animations show weak jabs solutions - add a progressive acceleration when a player run (you should reach full speed in something like 3 seconds) - direction changes (more than 90°) while running at full speed should include 1-2 second of deceleration - add slower "charged" punches that can KO in one hit (Roy Nelson style :D ) - lower the chances to KO someone with jabs (2-10% chances because a weak jab can still KO you if you're heading towards the agressor) movement is what really gives freshspawn an unrealistic chance to KO an armed player. melee weapons damage should be boosted too, crowbar/pipe wrench/baseball bat should KO you in onehit to the head with a small chance of instant death, movement tweaks mentionned above would make them not OP.
  24. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    hum, it seems that i can't adjust the zero on kashtan scopes its locked on 400m, it almost got me killed today <_<
  25. Zboub le météor

    Zero loot after latest reset

    are you playing on vilayer servers ?