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Zboub le météor

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Everything posted by Zboub le météor

  1. Zboub le météor

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    mostly like everything but i feel a little bit concerned about the soft skill system. can't wait to read what "soft skills" really means.
  2. Zboub le météor

    Hero and Bandit Global Rankings.

    I really really really HATE this idea !!! this game needs to stay unpredictable and un-directed.
  3. Zboub le météor

    Firearms Ranking

    what is sad in this game, is that the more powerfull the weapon is, the more efficient it is. if the FN FAL makes its way into the game, you basically add a auto/semi auto mosin with a 20 round magazine into the game. without taking in account the optics, it will be the best rifle in game. in real life, no one will take the FAL over a decent m4. same with the handguns, if the add a .50 desert eagle in game, it will be more efficient than a glock 19. who would take a 0.50 desert eagle over a good 9mm handgun in an apocalypse situation ? kidney, liver, heart and major blood vessels should be taken in account by splitting the corps in multiple hitbox. then , the higher caliber won't be automatically the better caliber. what's matter is the shot placement, not the size on the bullet.
  4. Zboub le météor

    Best overall pistol

    as everyone, if you manage to find one with a magazine and some ammo, the FNX 45 is the best deal. i used it a lot before it was moved to helicrash, it dropped most of my opponent unconscious with 2 rounds. i never really liked the .357 magnum. it saved my ass a few time in close quarter encourters, but i found it's accuracy is shit. i fired multiple times at more than 50m distance and it's totally unaccurate ! on the other hand, it's deadly in the close quarter "one building firefight" we often see in elecktro and thath the keeper in that situation. the longhorn is a sneaky gun : powerfull, accurate... but miss against an opponent and your are dead. found that there was more than 1 guy ? you are dead (or at least odds are against you)... you see someone hiding in an appartement trough a window ? he his dead ! it make a sick combo paired with the MP-133 for big town pvp situations. i really like the CZ 75. decently accurate, good magazine capacity, decent firepower... great gun in most situations. i can remember one time i was messing around with friend, a zombie walked in the middle of us. one of my friend manage to miss the zombie and land a single shot on my leg. i fall unconscious... and i was healthy/fully geared. it saved my life a few times when i was spotted sniping in novo or when is was ambushed claiming my loot on dead bodies. the one that really surprised me is the makarov. i had to use it after loosing my main rifle (G misclick of doom). it was accurate, and more powerull that i expected. ambushed 2 guy looting a construction site. first shot hit exactly where i aimed and could take down the other guy with 3-5 bullets at 40m distance. it saved my life 3-4 times in panic situation where i ran directly into some guys. definitely a good gun. military tents are overrun by makarov guns and mags as people underestimate this little beast and .380 auto are one of the most common ammunition. the amphibia... never really used it. good if you are a headshot king, too weak if you land anywhere else. P1 is useless. carried a lot of 1911 with mags but used it in firefight maybe 1-2 time only. seems to be a better magnum (if you have the mag). two more bullet can really make a difference in a close quarter fight.
  5. Zboub le météor

    Some DayZ Facts About You...

    Hello ! - found/loot on body about 30 grenades, never trown one. - never used a fishing rod in game, but spend most of my free-time fishing IRL. - never died from a ladder bug. - never fired a P1 - never died of starvation or cold (but i play almost every exp)
  6. Zboub le météor

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    i met a fully geared guy autorunning from near vybor military base to cherno a guess. i followed him till he get stuck on a tree, killed him and took his gear :) . i would love to see an autorun button !
  7. Zboub le météor

    Not to much military loot

    currently, 2h after a new update, almost all military weapons (AKM, AK74, M4, AK74 U, Ak 101, grenades) in exp servers are gone. you have more chances to be taken by alien IRL than finding a military grade weapon with a magasine 3+ days after the update. in stable it's way easier to find military grade weapons, butt still in persistence enabled servers, you have to loot a lot of barracks to find something usefull... . i'm used to loot all barracks from south to north and the best thing i found in the last 5 runs is an akm 30rnds mag hiden under a bed (without the gun obviously). did i mention that looting these spots are dangerous ? well, i expect a little more loot spawning in thoses places after the first person take all good stuff. loot respawn mechanic does not work properly ! everybody shouldn't walk with an AKM, but after visiting 30 barracks you should at least find 2 or 3 of thoses, that would be 1 military grade weapon on each server, that's not too much for me.
  8. Zboub le météor

    Can someone give me a light here?

    that's it, i realised a few month ago that hotkey are server performance dependant. i thinks it has to be linked to the server side so player can see when a player takes a weapon in hand. if it was not, "friendly people" could equip a weapon without you noticing it. dragging from inventory work way better for some reasons. for some reason, i have the impression that the harder i hit the hotkey, the most chances i have it working. sound stupid through ^^, it's like moving your head IRL to better see in a corner in game :D .
  9. Zboub le météor

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    nah, those sucks if you don't came from hammerfall. you'd better watch your knee ! i want the following option : stunt baton + battery + katana = Celestial Fury +3 well, nothing really special to say about this new EXP. i had 3-4 rollback in 2h, wich is not bad but still slightly worse thant previous patch. i had some hopes for a slightly improved loot respawn mechanics but sadly it's still not working properly. ghillie suits looks great, nice addition to the game ! i met 2 friendly guys on my road (Barely Infected, you can find him on youtube) but heard many gunfights on the coast. the second guy i run in was very cautious and said i was the first person actually not trying to kill him. i fought that experimental release day was less PVP but i may be wrong.
  10. Zboub le météor

    Any update on magic leg breaking?

    annoying bug for sure, happened to me about 10 times lately. glad to see that dev's takes care of it ! it happened to me in fire stations, red and green two stories houses and prison buldings. this kind of alpha game is tricky. we all know that alphas is not for bugfixing. but as it's an open alpha played by thousand of players, game breaking bugs still have to be corrected in my opinion. most of the players actually buy the game to play it, not to be part of the development process. dev's are aware of it and start to handle this "misanderstanding" pretty well. even if it's an alpha, an open alpha NEEDS some bugfixing ! that may slow down the developpement progress a little, but that the drawback of the money input of early access (the other one is whiney peoples i guess ^^).
  11. Zboub le météor

    Gorka Helmet uses?

    interesting, i don't wear helmets because in think they increase your hitbox. is that true ?
  12. Zboub le météor

    Suggestion: Indiv. shoes/boots

    pairs are fine. if you go that way, why not include shoes size too ? with different foot size each time you spawn. i could be realistic, but not fun at all
  13. [selfish mode : ON] I mainly play on 1st person servers because i think the gameplay experience is much more enjoyable. you have to expose yourself to see, camping a house is no more crouching on the ground while looking by the windows and mouvement is no more equal to giving your position to every camper in the town. Sadly, the huge majority of the peoples i play with prefer 3rd person. Most of the time, i heard the "i like to see my character running" excuse but i think that the majority of people play 3rd person to use the "see over wall exploit". i play on 3rd perso server too, and i use and abuse the 3rd eye exploit as anyone else. in fact, 90% of the good community events are played in 3rd person server. I enjoy them but keep on thinking they could have been much greater in 1rs person. still, i'm better in 1st person and i'm tired of always beeing the one that make the effort to play the other way. [selfish mode : OFF] 3rd person will continue to concern a large majority of players. 1st person will continue to flame because 3rd person is like 70-80% of dayz players and concern most of the events. i just hope that 1st person community will grow up significally so we could not give a fuck about 3rd person.
  14. Zboub le météor

    DayZ BULLSH*T AT IT'S FINEST... [ 1:11 ] very early alpha :(

    that feeling... you kill many people and say to yourself "dam, i am good at this !". then you get kill because of desynch and start to think : "was i really good ? or thoses guys had descynch when i engaged them ?" no one will ever know....
  15. Zboub le météor

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    awww, too bad... i hope the weapon has an highly increased dexterity, otherwise it's a lot worse than the original.
  16. Zboub le météor

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Nice one ! how many slots does it take in the backpack ? i hope i could make a complete human leather outfit with this cannibal thing ! Clarice, don't hurt the dog !!!
  17. Zboub le météor

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    that was not my point, i might had trouble trouble explaining myself. i was telling that guy A alway do things that are in his interests and care very little about what guy B thinks of it. consequences that interest people are the consequences that can affect them. exemple : Guy A is geared and encounter a freshspawn : killing him or not ? --> noise + chance of getting KO + ammo waste + no reward = no interests to kill him. Guy A don't care about Guy B life and he knows he can have a huge impact on it. quite off topic, sorry !
  18. Zboub le météor

    Crafting a ghillie suit

    i don't really like this feature, my low end PC won't make the difference between a bush and a player :( .
  19. Zboub le météor

    Is It Possible?

    this ! DayZ mod turn the original war simulator game Arma II into a zombie survival game. turning DayZ into a war simulator game is basically going back to arma, with a few annoying zombies and food scavenging.
  20. Zboub le météor

    Is It Possible?

    possible : YES people will mod it : YES do we want to play DayZ with tanks : NO
  21. Zboub le météor

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    well cooked human muscles are as healthy as well cooked pig muscles. i'm against everything that dictate me how to behave in an artificial way in a sandbox game. i have more chances of dying from breaking my neck by sliping on a zombie poop than dying from kuru after eating a human leg. let's just continue to follow the only universal rule of the living things in the universe : you always act for yourself.
  22. Zboub le météor

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    i hope you are wrong, because i don't know if i'll continue to play if they dish 1st person servers.
  23. Zboub le météor

    Firearms Ranking

    thanks for your work ! i never really tried the CQB buttsock and if it's that good, i'll give it a try ! i have different opinions on some weapon : i've been in many fire fights with the reapeter and i don't find it accurate at all, it was a pain hitting a moving target at 100m. the sks is on a whole other level for me. to me this is a way more accurate gun and the PU scope turn it into a true killing machine, plus the rate of fire is so much higher. there is no way these guns are in the same categorie. i pick a MP 133 over a IZH every day. both one shot killers at short range, the MP 133 has 3X mor chances to do it
  24. Zboub le météor

    the case of items that are in the game but dont spawn

    i'm pretty sure that slugs and green bandages don't spawn anymore. i haven't seen an amphibia S since 0.48 if i remember correctly. M4 and FNX spawn at heli crash sites. you just have to be lucky enough to find one. longhorn are easy to find and spawn in small yellow and blue log cabin. mp5k still spawn in police stations. explosive grenades spawn at crash sites and in barracks. since the loot respawn mechanic is broken, they are hard to find but still in-game. tent are quite easy to find in dubky appartments smersh vest is very hard to find, spawn only on crash sites. i haven't seen ammo box or PSO-1 in loot location, only on dead bodies i agree that the PM73 rak is a myth, never ever seen one, even on other players (and i know looting addict guys)
  25. Zboub le météor

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    i experience a lot of problems with this 0.50 stable : - overheating is badly balanced, i had to wait 15 minutes butt naked in a house to go from overheating to hot (my character was hot for hours until he died) - having the healty status is way to easy : as a freshspawn, i had to eat 1 canned peach and 1 baked beans + 1 soda and i was healty - i had huges problems picking up items, nothing occurs and i had to leave for 2-5 minutes then come back to pick up items. very very dangerous in military area. sometimes, i had to leave the server because in couldn't interract anymore. - loot respawn may work a little in civilian area, but in military barrack, high end items barely spawn anymore. visited all barracks on 2 differents servers (that's 22 barracks) and the only interesting thing i've looted was a 75rnds akm mags that was hidden under a bed. - rossi lever accuracy seem to have been toned down a lots compared to xp. hard to hit thing releably with it now. - we can't drink from well anymore