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Hexx (DayZ)

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About Hexx (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I lost my M249 saw =\, a friend had a coyote elite bag, GPS, ghili and alot of other good stuff in his tent, and his tent is gone, so is mine with chopper loot. *shakes fist at lame ass who hacked and got banned and was but hurt for breaking rules*
  2. Hexx (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I have searched all of cherno, every building, and surrounding buildings. As well as a few other towns. No food. I found 2 cans of soda though and 1 empty water bottle from a zombie. The ONLY food I have managed to collect is from Zombies i killed. 2 cans to be exact, out of over 30 kills. Pasta and Sardines. and zombies are spawning in buildings like they freaking own the place. and when I searched the building the zombie spawned in, I find nothing. aaaaannnnd its still nothing but PVP, sad sad thing. Also...ammo is rather rare for the AK74, i have not found a single magazine, but several of the weapons. hell i found an Mp5sd6 and a mag before i even found a single AK74 mag hope that helps
  3. Can you use the flashlight to blind/smash heads? No...? damn... Yes. try it for a while. but hell give us a canteen and some chow! map? compass?
  4. Hexx (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Hey rocket......get some sleep man. you really do deserve it. We are bitching alot, but you'll fix it. I want my Mp5SD6 back by the way that was taken away by glitch hehe
  5. Hexx (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    *sigh* I logged out and said "this is unplayable right now" Sorry rocket. =\ Very cool with the no weapon spawn in but damn....come on...a knife or an axe....or a damn stick you pick up? haha. I did in fact lose a huge horde of zombies, which is way cool. But the zombies are just...so....uber. Like the freaking zerg.
  6. Hexx (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I just got my ass handed to me.... I was proned, crawling..a zombie was to my left a good 25 feet away. Suddenly aggroed and BAM! knocked my out, then 4 more zombies join in. Well... I died. with M4A3 CCO, M16A2 M203, and have been surviving for quite a while. Spawned on the coast and shuddered at what was in my pack...(really rocket?) I aggroed a zombie that was on the other side of a huge bush. and Mooooore zombies came. Jesus christ! Did ya make it a wee bit too difficult? Not only do we have to worry about players but zombies with uber senses!