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Drogur (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Drogur (DayZ)

  1. Drogur (DayZ)

    character deleted

    New character? How? You mean you spawn fresh on beach and have to start all over?
  2. Drogur (DayZ)

    You Have Been Kicked : Battleye Client Not Responding.

    End user error.... ARMA 2: OA beta build 97127 BattlEye compatibility: ... not yetSUPPORTED, wait ! ... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140273-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-97127-%281-62-MP-compatible-build-post-1-62-release%29
  3. Drogur (DayZ)

    You Have Been Kicked : Battleye Client Not Responding.

    When you started the game.....can you look in ArmA what ArmA has loaded or not....window before multiplayer, right down corner....Does it say the same versions as Commander tells you?
  4. Drogur (DayZ)

    BattlEye Failed to Update (Again): Kicked from Game.

    It comes and goes as I seen it....still, the majority doesnt have this problem. Still a problem though.
  5. Drogur (DayZ)

    BattlEye Failed to Update (Again): Kicked from Game.

    Its interesting.... If its not your Internet connection, and its not the BE Master server that is overloaded, and you have tha latest dll´s....and there is thousands of players with no problem....what could it be? How is your HDD? Checked for faults? When did you do a defrag last?
  6. Drogur (DayZ)

    BattlEye Failed to Update (Again): Kicked from Game.

    Failed to update: For some reason your BattlEye Client is not able to download new updates from the BE Master Server - most likely related to your internet connection. Please download the most recent version for your game from the download page and manually update your BE Client. http://www.battleye.com/support.html http://www.battleye.com/download.html
  7. Drogur (DayZ)

    Admin Ban

    Try find, clang2g.co.uk DayZ - UK929 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - [Regular][GMT-6] clang2g.co.uk | Vilayer.com http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/263896
  8. Drogur (DayZ)

    bad serial number

    Read this thread.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135736
  9. Drogur (DayZ)

    bad serial number

    Did it say " bad serial number given in setup " ?
  10. Drogur (DayZ)

    How to get your own GUID?

    Open chat box in game and use page up and down to scroll in chat box, to read chat history.
  11. Drogur (DayZ)

    Can't Join Servers

    Search here.... http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?83-ARMA-2-amp-OA-TROUBLESHOOTING And, your post is in the wrong forum, this is bug reports....not troubleshooting.
  12. Drogur (DayZ)

    Admin Ban ? Please help.

    Ok, no need for further discussion here...wont help your case....good luck.
  13. Drogur (DayZ)

    Admin Ban ? Please help.

    I did not....The server Administrator who banned you did. Go to the link above and make a ticket, asking to be removed from the banlist. Added: Use the link above and search for your specific ban, and find out the reason.
  14. Drogur (DayZ)

    Dayz Battleye global ban

    Go here and raise your case... http://battleye.com/support.html
  15. Drogur (DayZ)

    You Have Been Kicked : Battleye Client Not Responding.

    To bad.... As you just appeard suddently in the thread. I dont know your problem really. Whats your status right now? Whats the difference between you and ZioBest when it comes to install and how to start Dayz?
  16. Drogur (DayZ)

    You were kicked: Battleye corrupt memory #0

    Are you using Six updater?
  17. Drogur (DayZ)

    You were kicked: Battleye corrupt memory #0

    Have you done what they suggested? How´s the status of your HDD? Have you searched for defects? When did you do a defrag last?
  18. Drogur (DayZ)

    A question.

    Be sure, they use all the information gathering techniques the Internet can provide.
  19. Drogur (DayZ)

    A question.

    Good questions! Information should be free... What you see is the backside of "hacking"....script kiddies downloading cheats. Whats happening in that background....Here, its where it starts to get wrong. Instead of give findings, weaknesses to the devs...thay want to earn money out of it instead. Internet is a virtual world....With the capacity for end users to redirect and hide its communication lines and content. Because of this its hard for legislation and moral to keep up. When the trace is done, the money is already gone.
  20. Drogur (DayZ)

    You are banned

    First...you did set up a private server....right? Banned? Who says? What message do you get?
  21. Drogur (DayZ)

    help !!

    Not sure you need that.... Try connect without that commander once....
  22. Drogur (DayZ)

    help !!

    Last one... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?110823-Got-game-crash-Do-this
  23. Drogur (DayZ)

    help !!

    Search this forum. http://forums.bistud...ation-Arrowhead http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?83-ARMA-2-amp-OA-TROUBLESHOOTING
  24. Drogur (DayZ)

    help !!

    List your specifications. How do you connect to Dayz? What is crashing? What process? If the game....Exactly where in the process is the game crashing?