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Drogur (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Drogur (DayZ)

  1. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    "....the difference between the 95054 beta patch and the 95054 RC#2 patch...." Same same but different......Same shit but at bistudio they call it Release Candidate#2.....at arma they dont mention "release candidate" they just call it latest beta patch....
  2. Drogur (DayZ)

    Battleye 1.61.94876

    Newest battlEye client is v1.61.94945+ Get it here..... http://www.battleye.com/download.html
  3. Drogur (DayZ)

    Unbinding Command keys?

    In Arma, Options...Controls....
  4. Drogur (DayZ)

    Are Helicopters going to be added again?

    Ander at Dayz staff wrote " Servers that patch will get prioritized helicopter love. ;) " Read it here.... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34798-arma2-patch-build-94997-now-running-on-some-servers/page__st__60
  5. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    To back in versions you need to reinstall the whole game....says so in a dialog box as a warning, when you run the latest beta patch exe...
  6. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    Running 1.61.95054 BattlEye v 1.61.94945+ on DE21 and UK01....running great here on the client side.
  7. Drogur (DayZ)

    I thought death was permanent

    So if you choose to logout instead of respawn, you cheat death essentially? You log out when done playing for the moment....then log in again and start from where you where when loged out.....respawn you do if you want to commit suicide or start all over fresh...
  8. Drogur (DayZ)

    Kicked from server due to clan tag

    You think it was USXX ? BS OP...
  9. Drogur (DayZ)

    I thought death was permanent

    You just logged out from game.... but if you choose to respawn instead, or get shot then you get a new character.
  10. Drogur (DayZ)

    BattleEye failed to update

    battleye.com...get the latest DLL there...
  11. Network Address Translation....Firewall settings changed? http://docs.poweredbygamespy.com/wiki/NAT_Negotiation
  12. Drogur (DayZ)

    DE 88 Hacked-In Gear

  13. Drogur (DayZ)

    Revenge on a bandit group

    What bandits?
  14. Drogur (DayZ)

    Illegal games may degrade

    True, been there for ages...but not this often repeting over and over again....
  15. Drogur (DayZ)

    Illegal games may degrade

    yeah...same for me and friend, since newest BattlEye v 1.61.94945+ Really anoying...
  16. Drogur (DayZ)

    Banning people

    Give the credentials for your server and i fix it for you...
  17. Drogur (DayZ)

    dayZ help with servers

    Use DAYZ as filter string I use latest version as now 94997 as string
  18. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    Client side works great here.... Running 1.61. 94977 BattlEye v1.61.94945+ Tested on Fr 16 and UK01
  19. Drogur (DayZ)

    BattlEye - Kick: Client does not respond

    Try latest... http://battleye.com/download.html
  20. Drogur (DayZ)

    Confirmed, working servers?

  21. Drogur (DayZ)

    Confirmed, working servers?

  22. Drogur (DayZ)

    anyway to find out what server i was on last night?

    Search for your username and see if it states last seen server played at....
  23. Drogur (DayZ)

    anyway to find out what server i was on last night?

    gametracker.com ?
  24. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10988