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Drogur (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Drogur (DayZ)

  1. Drogur (DayZ)

    Bad cd key

    Never mind that dialog box...just hit ok and forget about it for now....
  2. Drogur (DayZ)

    Battle eye kick from every server

    Latest Beta 95099 is the fix to the "bad player name" http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137382-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95099-%281-61-MP-build%29
  3. Drogur (DayZ)

    error help

  4. Drogur (DayZ)

    error help

    use the search function on this forum maybe?
  5. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons
  6. Drogur (DayZ)

    Battle eye kick from every server

  7. Drogur (DayZ)

    Battle eye kick from every server

    Beta 95099 BattlEye status: ... SUPPORTED ...
  8. Drogur (DayZ)

    arma2 beta patch help

    Latest Beta is not supported by BattlEye yet.... BattlEye status: ... pending ... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137382-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95099-%281-61-MP-build%29
  9. Drogur (DayZ)

    Battle eye kick from every server

    Latest Beta is not supported by Battleye yet.... BattlEye status: ... pending ... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137382-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95099-%281-61-MP-build%29
  10. Drogur (DayZ)

    "BattlEye: Bad Player Name"

    Latest Beta fixes that.... Or just make a new player profile, as it is the workaround...
  11. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137382-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95099-%281-61-MP-build%29
  12. Drogur (DayZ)

    bad player name?

  13. Drogur (DayZ)

    bad player name?

    Upgrade to next beta 95099 that´s fix that, or just make a new player profile as is the suggested workaround.
  14. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137382-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95099-%281-61-MP-build%29
  15. Drogur (DayZ)

    BattlEye initialization failed

    Hold on.... 95099 is not supported by battlEye yet.... BattlEye status: ... pending ... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137382-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95099-%281-61-MP-build%29 Maybe wait to upgrade until BattlEye catch up.....i get " unknown game version " as of now...
  16. Drogur (DayZ)

    BattlEyE Error

    95099 is not supported by BattlEye yet.... BattlEye status: ... pending ... http://forums.bistud...(1-61-MP-build)
  17. Drogur (DayZ)

    Beta patch broken link

    http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/ http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  18. Drogur (DayZ)

    Who hosts the FR7 server?

    arma-portugal.com He´s working on it....
  19. Cant se nothing about any warning, either up front or in your profile....
  20. Read this thread... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34798-arma2-patch-build-94997-now-running-on-some-servers/
  21. Server file keys....is it a server you are trying to setup?
  22. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    As the varning says when applying the RC# beta.... ""WARNING This update will modify your existing game installation. Rollback to previous version is not possible. Upgrading to the final 1.61 patch also may not be possible. It is recommended to back up your full installation folder and profile folder first (you can restore those before applying the final patch). As always, use at your own risk. Thanks a lot for your support!"" I went from 94700 to 95054 with no problems....
  23. Drogur (DayZ)

    Battleye kicking all people

    Hello Cpt, Have you the latest BE server version BattlEye v1.61.94945+ ? If the BE executable update doesnt work you'll need to upgrade your DLL files manually. The DLL files can be found here:http://www.battleye.com/download.html
  24. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    Always use http://www.arma2.com/patch.php latest beta patch
  25. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    Link me please....