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Drogur (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Drogur (DayZ)

  1. Drogur (DayZ)

    In need of medic.

    In Berezino....
  2. Drogur (DayZ)

    US 397, what happened?

    Looks like up and running.... http://arma2.swec.se...ver/data/270336
  3. Drogur (DayZ)

    Hackers following my clan members.

    Often change player name... Otherwise others can easy track your movements from server to server by using gametracker or such.... If he knows where you are on map when in game...then he´s using a map hack...
  4. Drogur (DayZ)

    Server Problems

    As a workaround......use Remote connection button and connect direct....find IP and port number here http://arma2.swec.se/server/list
  5. Drogur (DayZ)

    I would like to play DayZ... and i dont know how

  6. Drogur (DayZ)

    no fucking servers are working

    Find server here... http://arma2.swec.se/server/list connect trough remote connection button....dont forget the port number
  7. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma Beta not updating.

    How did you update the Beta? Added: Commander .....get Beta here and apply it manually. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  8. Drogur (DayZ)

    Kicked from every server as soon as logging on

    Has friend been playing with his ID on your computer or you on his?
  9. Drogur (DayZ)

    Banned for combat logging

    Looks to me that US 88 now is a great server to play on ! And that thanks to this thread......great community resolving.....
  10. Drogur (DayZ)

    Crash When Click On Multiplayer.

  11. Drogur (DayZ)

    Banned for combat logging

    This community is hilarious......
  12. You can also find your server here.....and use the remote connection button and connect direct...dont forget the port number... http://arma2.swec.se/server/list
  13. Drogur (DayZ)

    Bugged Ghillie Suits Still

    What server was that? And what version are you running?
  14. Drogur (DayZ)

    Banned for combat logging

    Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:32 AM A clarification. We dont want serverhosters to be the judge & executioneer (banning) due to the fact that it will get misused easily. It's sometimes hard for serverhosters to make a coolheaded decision. I've seen this happen way too often. If you have solid proof of someone exploiting we ask you to file a ticket at support.dayzmod.com with the proof and we'll look into it. As always, we cant discuss the outcome of an investigation but would like you all to know that we do take exploiting seriously and will give warnings and eventually bans for repeat offenders. I'd also like to mention that players who see a serverhost abuse can file a ticket too about this to get a fair thirdparty view. We will either contact the serverhost or take action directly depending on severity of the issue. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6718-disconnecting-to-avoid-death/page__st__1120#entry337225
  15. Drogur (DayZ)

    Banned for combat logging

    The link you provided did NOT state that combat logging is a banable offense.... It states...Updated 17th July: Please file a ticket to support.dayzmod.com with your evidence about people who DC to avoid death. This should preferably be accompanied by playerlogs, timestamp. It doesnt say that server Admins can ban for this offense.....it says that server Admin shall make a ticket to support about it.
  16. Drogur (DayZ)

    can someone please just answer this question

    DayZ - US 865 [CHICAGO] (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) [REGULAR|3DP:ON|CH:ON|NT:OFF][GMT+12] dayzmod.com - hosted by SiC PWNage Are you running the right version?
  17. Drogur (DayZ)

    Quitting the game

    You are allowed to quit game any time you like.....but if you do it to avoid beeing killed in the middle of a fire fight...there is a chanse you get a local server kick...
  18. Drogur (DayZ)

    Taking forever to download 10 hours +

    Many new players.....servers busy maybe....if not something wrong to your internet connection
  19. Drogur (DayZ)

    Free Serial Number for Arrowhead! Ban it!

    Use the account recovery process in Steam...and get it back.... And edit your post before Google does a indexing...xxx your key....
  20. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47342-yet-another-how-to-install-and-play-dayz-from-sixlauncher-video/
  21. Drogur (DayZ)

    Non Hive Servers

    No, you will not be banned.....your characters progress will not follow over to the Hive connected ones though.
  22. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ
  23. Drogur (DayZ)

    Computer shutting down

    Clean your computer from dust....make sure your fan is working properly.....probably its because of CPU going hot....
  24. Drogur (DayZ)

    Me and Wife cant join same server...

    Yes....I hear you....Try first create new Profiles before reinstall one of the boxes Run Regedit and remove wifes keys from your computer. This video shows what keys