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Drogur (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Drogur (DayZ)

  1. Drogur (DayZ)

    Fuck you BATTLEEYE

    What problems?
  2. Drogur (DayZ)

    "You cannot play/edit this mission..."

    Could it be that you just updated...and did not run both games as admin into menu once before loading Dayz?
  3. Drogur (DayZ)

    Found "Soldier Clothes" and "AS50 TWS"

    Soldier skin is hacked in.... Next log in will probably get your counts back to previouse
  4. Drogur (DayZ)

    Are you new to the game? Join my server!

    You already asked for money in another thread....
  5. Dont try to open the download.....just copy the files and put them where they supposed to be....
  6. Drogur (DayZ)

    where du u get teh snipers?

    Dont feed it.....
  7. Drogur (DayZ)

    Arma 2 orignal AddOns file

  8. Drogur (DayZ)

    Infinitely long loading screen..

    " Everything is up to date as far as I know " MAke sure what game version and what mod version ARMA has loaded by looking in ARMA, down right corner in window before multiplayer.... Make sure to connect to servers with same level of versions your client have.
  9. Drogur (DayZ)

    I bought BAF and PMC for (Error problem)

    Run all as Admin....run all games into menu once before trying to load Dayz
  10. Drogur (DayZ)

    Won't let me join any games

  11. Drogur (DayZ)

    What is the record of being alive in DayZ ?

    Maybe in the statistics thread? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/9235-the-dayz-statistics-thread/
  12. Drogur (DayZ)

    Bounty Hunters NEEDED ASAP

    Here you go....found it.... http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Millennium-Falcon-7965
  13. Drogur (DayZ)

    Having multiple characters

    The character is connected to your CD key.....one character per key....
  14. Drogur (DayZ)

    Outdated version of Dayz_amin

    Dayz_Anim... Reinstall the mod Dayz http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/ http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ
  15. Drogur (DayZ)

    You have been kicked off the game.

    Thought so.....
  16. Drogur (DayZ)

    Can Dayz be played on armed assault?

    Private servers can load any map they want....
  17. Drogur (DayZ)

    just got dayz need help

  18. Now try to give back to the community, by giving feedback on what helped you.....so others can share that knowledge....
  19. Drogur (DayZ)

    Does NVG work with SVD?

    Use the DMR.....the u can use NVG http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/DMR
  20. Drogur (DayZ)

    You have been kicked off the game.

    Tell me...what versions are you on? and what servers are you trying?
  21. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42219-official-scripts-file-false-positive/#entry406539
  22. Drogur (DayZ)

    so i found a huey...

    http://dayzmod.com/f...r-a-helicopter/ Use truck to move and flip it over...
  23. Drogur (DayZ)


  24. Drogur (DayZ)

    Is anyone near green mountain?

    We dont talk about that place...ok
  25. Drogur (DayZ)


    You did run both ARMA2 and OA to menu as admin...right?