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Everything posted by thedavemartin

  1. thedavemartin

    Stationary radio equipment in buildings

    it would be nice if we can operate a stationary radio equipment as part of the building(police stations, ATC etc.) -then we will be able use it to talk to or boardcast messages to walkie-talkie holders or anyother radio operators -let along those a power-related problem, there should be numberous of ways to deal with that
  2. thedavemartin


    UMBRELLA Just a simple suggestion to prevent your cloth from damping when raining :) I'm well aware that there currently rain coats and military coats in-game which don't gets wet are avilable, but those are just hard-to-find. Further suggestion I would say they should be expanable for storage and such.. P.S greetings from HongKong ViVa La Umbrella REVOLUTION!!