If your caracter is freshspawned in publicservers after a restart, you is what it is. No way back to get to your geared caracter again. Its wiped out! Neighter can you run back to where you last logged out, your caracter won't be there. But if you got freshspawned while you where serverjumping, its probbably the hive that didnt connect to your caracter. Then all you have to do is log off instantly, and log on back to another server, and your caracter will be there with all your gear. This is true!
gigastein replied to Weyland Yutani (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Im renting server from fragnet.net, and in disabled hive the loot not only come back after 4-5 hours, but it come back 4-5 times more. In enabled hive, the loot also come back, but only in the same amount and 12 hours interval. So my server is only running on persistence disabled, and me and my friend can pick up a couple of ak 74u, ak101, mags etc. etc in every military barracs every time the server spawns new loots.
I have been server jumping for hours trying to find the pso1 scope. Its really hard to find, i im starting to think they forgot to put it in the game again after the 49 patch. I have found tons of flashlights, 20-25 pu scope and 10-12 longrange. Anybody else found the pso yet?