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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. In regards to gender change. I think that since this mod is heavily entrenched in realism and emergent gameplay, we should allow gender change at any time. However; I believe we should also include the following stipulations. 1) The transitional survivor must regularly scavenge the hospital for the item "Hormone replacement chemicals". 2) During the "pre-op" stage of transition, the patient must change his player skin to the He/She model. (We may need to create a special skin for this; I'm thinking model would have maybe both a beard and long female-like hair) 3) At some point they must use combat knife/hacket to remove genitalia. This part of the process will cause severe blood-loss and potentially infection. At this point the player scream sounds and other noises will sound more shrill and ghostly. I will offer my own voice-talent in producing these audio recordings for use, I'll be going for a "Buffalo Bill" sorta thing. 4) Entire process of transitioning will take approximately 6 months real time. Let me know if you wanna take this mod to the next level, Rocket.