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Everything posted by cheeseburger8

  1. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    They betrayed me because I wanted to kill one of our own who was crazy, got mad at everything, and ruined the DayZ experience. Xophor even agreed that StoneStock was crazy, but he stuck with StoneStock anyway. They faked Xophor's death, blaming ME, in order to have a supposed reason to kill me.
  2. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Oh okay. LOL :)
  3. cheeseburger8

    Dayz Cinematic intro

    Well, my advice would be to: Make camera panning slower, and have it move around, ex: camera starts facing down on Cherno, have it start moving forward and start it facing upward, revealing more of the city. Also, make sure there's no down time between the switch to another shot, and it moving. ex: camera pans through NWAF, cuts to another shot, and camera stays there for 2 seconds, then moves. (make sure the two seconds DOESN'T happen). Show more people. :)
  4. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Oh, it's a reference to something. Okay.
  5. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Okay... what? That like... has nothing to do with what we're discussing. :huh:
  6. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Still no activity, Stone is offline, and so is Xoph.
  7. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    We're still waiting for them to get on DayZ SA.
  8. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    We also need to have each other's skype/steam info to stay in contact with each other. They are currently NOT on a server, but they will be soon, and on all day.
  9. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Since I'm there to witness their deaths, there need not be any recordings, unless you want to make one hell of a YouTube video! Ha ha!
  10. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Alright! We are getting a crew together here! I am tracking their servers, by looking on their Steams and it gives me the server IP, which I type in game tracker which gives me the server name. I got tracking covered, but we do need a crew. I am in Cherno, as are they, which I found out through inside men. Roger and IReadTheAgreement, you guys are in, and Steak, if you're up to it, you can start getting your crew ready. Steam names are StoneStock, and Xophor, and Skype names are Toby.Linder2 and gabeconnor respectively. We're gonna need everything we got on this job. Also, my inside man's name is BloodyAce, and he is wearing a BROWN COWBOY HAT. We cannot, and will not kill him. He is an inside man.
  11. cheeseburger8

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    I also said whatever's on their body, which they have PLENTY of M4 ammo. Seriously. Yeah, I know.
  12. cheeseburger8

    Suggestion: Indiv. shoes/boots

    I didn't say it was Mix and Match Barbie, I just said it would be a cool feature. Chill.
  13. cheeseburger8

    Don't fix waterpumps

    How about this? The water pumps have a set amount of "clicks" Let's say 50. You can click "Drink Water From Pump" 50 times before it runs out of water. Filling a canteen takes up 10 of those clicks, and a waterbottle takes up 5 clicks.
  14. cheeseburger8

    Can we get a sneak movement?

    I heard from a once-friend that they were going to add this in the next few updates. IDK if it says anything about it in here: http://www.dayztv.com/standalone/dayz-standalone-confirmed-features/ but you can check it out.
  15. That might actually be a better idea.
  16. cheeseburger8

    Is anyone in DayZ Standalone friendly?

    There's plenty of friendly people in DayZ, it's just that, (and this happens to a lot of people) with your experiences so far, you have run into a little less than friendly people. I hope you don't turn into the kind of player that's all like "Oh, no one's friendly to me in this game, so I'm so mad that I'mma gonna contribute to that population.". Don't worry, there's friendlies out there.
  17. cheeseburger8

    Morphine Addiction

    Good idea! Definitely should be used! I would like for people in DayZ to think more about what they do. :D
  18. cheeseburger8

    Needs To Be WAY More Gritty

    1. Sound of leaves? They have wind blowing through trees noises, like when there's high wind. 2. I feel like they could add more wilderness noises, like wolves howling in the distance, but they should save that for when they add animals, and you could...like... run into the wolves and get into a gunfight. 3. I think that all cities should have the Chernarussian flag, and the city's own flag next to it. Good idea. 4. I think they already have those, they may have removed them with the new "heat" system. Good ideas! :D
  19. cheeseburger8

    How do I not panic/shake when I get in a gunfight?

    Good news, everyone. I have been playing DayZ for... what? 6 months now? With over 300 hours, I am not panicking anymore. Story: Me and my friends (Toby and John) were in Berezino. John says he's in the piano house saying there's gunshots (50/50 server). So I go over to the piano house, scared of nothing, and I see the guy. He starts chasing me, shooting with a shotgun, he was a terrible shot. Suddenly, he has to reload, so he runs away. I am at his legs, and hit him, but they weren't broken. So me, John, and Toby all meet up and are in cover by some flat-bed train cars. Suddenly, he runs around the corner, shoots John in the legs, and Toby was in his inventory. With near split-second reaction time, I mutter "There he is!" and shoot him, in the face, with a shotgun. Finally, a fun gunfight.
  20. Not hacking...cheating... there's a difference.
  21. On Nov. 4th I made a poll asking people how they interacted w/ others in the game. Most said that they were a "survivor", in which they would hurt others when they needed to get supplies, and would help others when they had too much. Most also said that they are asked if they're friendly. Most also said that they would prefer their player experience to be random. For this post, I would like for you to post below (in detail) what has been your most violent encounter w/ a bandit. For Example: "I was at the NWAF for the first time, on my 5th life, and was geared, when I heard from a distance "Come out with your hands up, now! Scared, I ran out of the jail (thinking he wouldn't be there), to be faced with 2 fully geared men with M4s, guns pointed. It was at this point that I realized that if I didn't comply with their wishes, I was gonna be deader than that zombie I killed by the tents." Yeah, something like that. Go back through your memories and tell the WORST and SCARIEST one. I look forward to reading them! :D
  22. Hmm. Everyone's stories were interesting, but I asked for specific detail, some of which some of you gave, but as for the others, thanks for sharing anyway. :) My story: Lonely, I travel down the road to the factories towards Berezino. Suddenly, I see a fresh spawn, wearing nothing but the fresh clothes. The conversation went as follows: Me: Hey, man, you friendly? Him: Yeah, I'm friendly. Me: Wanna stick together? Him: Sure, I'm new to the game anyway. Got it yesterday. Me: Do you need food or anything? Weapons? Because I was a hero, I had decided to help this guy. I gave him some food, a machete, and a cattle prod, and some other things. Him: I want to find a gun. Me: Hmm, okay. Well, we could go to Svet, but I don't want to get killed going to Berezino, so let's just cut through the woods. We were going to cut diagonally through the woods to avoid Berezino, and get to Svet. It's at this point that I have to tell you... this story is not going to go the way you expect it to. As we were going up the hill leading into the woods, we hear a voice. Voice: Hey guys, what's up? Us: Hey man, what's up? Friendly? He was a fresh spawn, and gave us all his clothes. Continuing on through the woods, another guy came along, a fresh spawn, who stayed with us for the longest time, 2 minutes, then said he wanted to leave. Great partner. All of the sudden, we hear a voice yelling, Possible Bandit: "HEY! HEY! HEY!" It was at this point that my heart was non-stop pounding, loud, fast. Louder than when you rev a sports car. Bandit: Get down on the ground, NOW! Him: Ah! Bandit, run! He didn't run. Neither did I, I had had just about enough of this bandit business. I had plans to take him down. Bandit: Why were you going through OUR woods? Gee, YOUR woods huh? I'm thinking. Me: Oh! Is that your friend down there, in the yellow raincoat? There wasn't anyone down there. I was hoping he'd turn around, but he didn't. Bandit: You shouldn't have come to our woods. The bandit and his little buddy, both with magnums, shot me, and the fresh spawn. I was friends with the fresh spawn on Steam, I had added him before this all happened. His name is Mike, and I am friends with him today. But we will never forget this. Never. THE END... Tell me, what did you think was going to happen in the end?
  23. cheeseburger8

    What Do You Consider To Be "Exploiting" In This Game?

    Huh. I feel dumb. I should re-label it as such. I agree, even though I do it, sometimes. I also have another question for everyone, which is very similar to the last question: Is going on Low-Pops looting un-sportsman-like? Keep in mind, you're not going on high pops afterwards to kill people. After all, they do tell you the number of ppl on the server for a reason.