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Everything posted by Vortigaunt

  1. Sup Dayz ppl, we'd like to annonce our brandnew Dayz Epoch Server (Based in Frankfurt GER). Here's the IP: (Vilayer) and TS3: warzone.nitrado.net and here's the story: PvP / PvE Advanced Alchemy Building - with thew use of gemstones, you can build nearly 550 different object from the whole Arma2 universe. Build Snapping Pro - self-explaining, BUT: this is an upgrade to the normal snapping script which will open further opportunities to build and snap! WAI Mission system + Sector - self-explaining aswell. Weapon Mod - customize your own weapon, change colour or detache a silencer etc. Every Tank, Helicopter or Jet from Arma2+CO with all the nice mainweapons. furthermore the very nice stuff from PMC like the AR-autoshotgun or the MK32 granadelauncher. Beat the shit out of others Therefore bases are indestructable. EVAC Chopper Script- Let your ass caught up everywhere you want if you're dead. The standard things like: Safes Zones, Refuel, Lift&Tow, SelfBB, Deploy Bike, Takes Clothes, AN2 Cargo Drops, Chopper Crashes, Mariuahna Fields and the Custom Map DON'T FORGET TO VERIFY YOUR INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE IN STEAM->PROPERTIES->LOCAL FILES Any question, feel free to ask visit us
  2. We are not a clan, so we dont have any members :)