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Everything posted by jagdshwader51

  1. jagdshwader51

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Ok bro, sry for that) I am a bit new in dayz (Playing this 1.5 years ago on pirate servers). Donno about this features and bugs. Okay, my fault, sry for alarm. We fight with them for a long time, it was nice) If they ust play fair +1 and like) Also, bug with camo-nets dont bug at all, after every restart, car changed her destination in 1 or 2 meters, and destroyed the net.
  2. jagdshwader51

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    So, finally, they got ESP hacks 100%, cause after every restart, when the last guys was on the server, he just always aiming into my direction! ALWAYS, auto aiming into my respawn point!
  3. jagdshwader51

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    So, we play in party everyday, and today, there was some player's with STALKER tag, that died 5 times, and always find's DMR's AK's And m40's So interesting, HOW? We kill them 5 or 6 times in cherno. Can u check ur logs pls? Also, someone killed ME into the forest. I am not so noob, and i know, he cant do this LEGIT. Check them pls))) Also, (SVS) guy was kicked a lot of times, for trying spawning a vehicle. Thats strange)
  4. jagdshwader51

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    So, also, there r a lot of boat near the beach, but we cant refuel anyone xD That's frustrating(
  5. jagdshwader51

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    So, sup all, it's very nice server) My post'll be about bugs and other strange things (sry mates i'm so bad in English). First of all, there is a bug, with RECHARGING (donno how to explain, but it's when u recombine ur NON full magazines into FULL, ur ammo dissappear). Secondly, CAMO-Net's also dissappear after restart (But maybe, after restat, my car just change her destination and kill the net, but it's a bug.) Thirdly, sometimes when i jump out of building, i didnt got any injuires! One day, jumped out off 50 meters building - and alive. And the last one, it's a camp near Berezino, these net's and camp, cannot be taken (Srry mates, maybe i am not true, but i red in changelogs, they must take! xD. My english is very bad). So, when i post this, i cant remember other bugs( Ty for the good server and bans))))0 Cheater killed me 2 days ago, but after restart he was banned for 1 or 2 hours for teleporting) Hope, that u fix the bug with recombinig magazines, cause it's so annoying. Already lost 8 stanags and 6 cz550 magazines)