So, sup all, it's very nice server) My post'll be about bugs and other strange things (sry mates i'm so bad in English). First of all, there is a bug, with RECHARGING (donno how to explain, but it's when u recombine ur NON full magazines into FULL, ur ammo dissappear). Secondly, CAMO-Net's also dissappear after restart (But maybe, after restat, my car just change her destination and kill the net, but it's a bug.) Thirdly, sometimes when i jump out of building, i didnt got any injuires! One day, jumped out off 50 meters building - and alive. And the last one, it's a camp near Berezino, these net's and camp, cannot be taken (Srry mates, maybe i am not true, but i red in changelogs, they must take! xD. My english is very bad). So, when i post this, i cant remember other bugs( Ty for the good server and bans))))0 Cheater killed me 2 days ago, but after restart he was banned for 1 or 2 hours for teleporting) Hope, that u fix the bug with recombinig magazines, cause it's so annoying. Already lost 8 stanags and 6 cz550 magazines)