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Everything posted by Axezeroone

  1. Axezeroone

    Aim Swaying?

    painkillers really work? or only in .51? i didnt know that
  2. Axezeroone

    1st person only for copters and cars

    i think that either firstperson or thirdpersonview should stick to the gamemode youre playing
  3. Axezeroone

    Helicopter crash sites?

    they are really not worth the effort, especially not for the M4, the M4 is rare, but not really that good it would pay off the effort finding it. ive been crashsite hunting with a mate for the last few days and all we found were all parts for the m4 but not the weapon, also 2 amphibias, few makarovs and maaaany m4 magazines, in 2 days we found 3 smokey crash sites and 4 normal mi-8's and so far it didnt pay off. the AK101 is a much better weapon than the M4 imo and also easier to find which makes it more valuable imo. the only positive part about crashsites would be people cant server hop that. youd expect anyone in a military base, but you can almost be sure you are alone at a crashsite, unless theres many people on the same server looking for the same crashsites as you, and the odds are small for that.
  4. Axezeroone

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    everything spawns in pristine is that wanted? anyway good job on this loving this game more and more
  5. this really is frustrating and it pisses me off: it hasnt always been this bad but today i was like wtf?! especially when the sun is going down.
  6. i still wasnt able to fix this.
  7. i need help please :( lowering the interface resolution only helps if i go above or below 100% rendering quality, how the hell? i used to play on 1920x1080 and 100% rendering without problems...
  8. Axezeroone

    against cheaters

    i had an idea recently. we wouldnt really need a kill log that is visible to all the players, all we would need is like a server side kill log that contains what weapon was used, at which distance the killer killed somebody, the exact time, the location and the names being used on that server, unfortunetely i dont know yet how much the char name ingame is connected to the steam account. if a scripter joins the server and kills 10 people within 5 minutes from cherno all the way to berezino or nwaf it doesnt matter, then you would know that dude isnt playing legit. it would require one person to report his accusation and on the server side someone can look into it edit: sorry quoted the wrong guy, supposed to be Steak and Potatoes
  9. Axezeroone

    0.50 stable....

    agree with you. people wanna get told everything instead of looking on their own, that is pure lazyness and im not even kidding, its always the same.
  10. Axezeroone

    Improve FPS

    you should have checked your GPU usage before posting this... when i do that, and i have the r9 270x 2gb, its usage rarely goes over 50%, when ingame. there you can see that is not about your computer but its all just the lack of optimization of the game, theres pretty much no way to get 100% decent fps right now, even streamers have to fight with 20-30fps in cities with their OP-rigs.
  11. always keep in mind you can die anytime for "no"/bugged reasons, i stood on a stairway yesterday not moving suddenly i dropped dead, my mate ahead of me, there were no enemies, im sure if you die more often youll get off that "phase", i was like that aswell.
  12. Axezeroone

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    I dont like a game i paid for forcing me not to play it.... while time is fast today and seems so limited sometimes already....
  13. Axezeroone

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    exactly, with "i only got one or two chances not to fk it up here" in peoples head, people would be more cautios, but im sure KOS will increase aswell...up and downsides =/
  14. Axezeroone

    Bipod and Mosin

    that bug is fixed in the exp version.
  15. Axezeroone

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    how about 1 life per server a day? or once you joined a server you have to stick with it till you die that would take away the "deathmatch-atmosphere" in cities like cherno elektro and berezino
  16. Axezeroone

    Bipod and Mosin

    can you give me the source where it says the very base type of the mosin? are we talking about the very first model? you dont seem to make sense at least to me. for my feel the version we are using ingame is pretty fn good at both, close and long range.... just keep in mind you fire 7,62x51mm... it doesnt matter what barrel this bullet leaves but i assure you it flies way further than you would wish that to be real in this game.
  17. Axezeroone

    Bipod and Mosin

    there is INDEED a sniper version of the mosin 91/30 you can look that up, there are many versions of it actually. there are Sights adjustable to 2000m aswell... edit: the rifle is about 140years old. modified and improved over the years
  18. Axezeroone

    Bipod and Mosin

    study how your crosshair moves, it does some sort of 8 just horizontal, if proned, energized and hydrated it doesnt move that much... never did an 800m shot but its still possible, just study your scope, hit hold breath in the right moment, it wouldnt take skill if it wasnt hard...
  19. Axezeroone

    Bipod and Mosin

    huh? my crosshair stops moving for a blink of a moment, enough time to aim and shoot aswell...
  20. Axezeroone

    Bipod and Mosin

    you have a "hold breath" button, you should know how that works since you play Dice games. think bipods were temporarly removed.
  21. Axezeroone

    Extremy Unlucky? or the norm?

    best is to join an empty server where none has looted yet to gear up, you'll be ready to go within 30mins
  22. Axezeroone

    How was your Day(Z)?

    3 of my mates and me just lost all our gear to a hacker... =/ just instant inventory drop, then invisible hits = dead. one after another
  23. Axezeroone

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    id like to know why me and few others crash 3 times in 15 minutes and other can play straight 3 hours without interruption? i have read the thread about stability of the exp serversbut if it works to 80% and 20% cant play it then id rather assume something in the build was done not right than assuming we didnt work our pc out since i was able to play the last exp build without that many crashes...
  24. Axezeroone

    The word "Friendly" - is it over used in DayZ?

    the real question is, when a good guy asks somebody if hes friendly, and that somebody is actually a bad guy, what is friendly to a bandit? both dont know if the opponent is a bandit, so i cant know in what way the opponent is friendly, good guy-wise or bandit-wise, a bandit says im friendly just to stay alive to shoot you in the back when he has the chance to. a good guy must stay friendly but sceptical until hes 200% sure he can trust the other dude. you never know... dont trust anybody :)
  25. Axezeroone

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    cant play exp as the game keeps crashing.