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About bloobarry

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bloobarry

    anyone wondering why firefights are shit

    Hello friend, I merely wanted to share my friends' grievances because apparently nobody on the internet knows anything about the tick rate.
  2. bloobarry

    anyone wondering why firefights are shit

    Hello there, buddy. This is common sense but I'll explain it to you. The 5 FPS you see is the rate at which the world is simulated (also known as tick rate). Yes, your client can run well but your server's tick rate matters a LOT in player interactions. The shitty tickrate is part of the reason why you get SECONDS of delay in DayZ. This is the reason why people shoot at each other and wonder why nothing happens. Our server is running at 1-8 FPS with barely any players on it and the CPU is constantly maxed. This is a joke.
  3. bloobarry

    anyone wondering why firefights are shit

      You have to log in as admin and #monitor 1.
  4. bloobarry

    Has anyone blown anyone up with a grenade yet?

    No, they only target the legs and shoes. You should target those areas when you want to loot someone reliably anyways.