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Everything posted by SammyTheGamer

  1. SammyTheGamer


    I've been playing DayZ since the beginning. But I've always wondered, why does military loot spawn in fire stations? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but whats the story behind it?
  2. Am I supposed to give a fuck what you think/say?
  3. - surprisingly - no - no - They spawn now and again
  4. SammyTheGamer

    revamp feet damage

    plz no
  5. SammyTheGamer

    Here's a glitch I can get behind

    so many f*cking noobs turning their gamma and brightness up...
  6. SammyTheGamer

    Prison Island Lootsplosions

    Lmao it's not even a rare occurrence...
  7. SammyTheGamer

    Why Benji Why!

    Benji is jay's old dog
  8. SammyTheGamer

    Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.

    I don't pay much attention to items, plus never used an FNX45 :p thanks for clearing that up though
  9. Maybe the server cleaned up your body?
  10. SammyTheGamer

    Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.

    All the weapons currently in game were produced during or before the 90's. Although soon the UMP45 will be added, which was first produced in the late 90's
  11. SammyTheGamer

    where can i find the most pvp?

    Go to chernogorsk and/or NWAF on a 50 man server
  12. SammyTheGamer

    BAF L85/SA80 variants

    It's not an L85 and never was. It's alway been the SA-80 (SA-80A1 when it was first introduced to replace the L1A1 SLR) and then SA-80A2 which was an upgraded version to fix the jamming and magazine drop outs
  13. SammyTheGamer

    Welcome to the city...

    Stay north if you can, unless you find an AK or M4 then go kill bandits on the coast
  14. SammyTheGamer

    Accelerated time and hunger/thirst

    no, the only think it effects is the dayZ/night cycle
  15. SammyTheGamer

    When can we start hosting DayZ servers individually?

    Won't be any time soon, I highly doubt we'll be able to unless we buy them from companies :/
  16. SammyTheGamer

    problem with saying "friendly"

    Type it...
  17. It's true.. If a certain zombie hits you in the head you're instantly fucked
  18. SammyTheGamer

    Survivor Tent Camp

    I love it
  19. SammyTheGamer

    BAF L85/SA80 variants

    As long as they make the sounds REALIST instead of the poor excuse of a sound they used in the mod lmao
  20. SammyTheGamer

    Dynamic Events

    The only time I want to see trains (other then the static ones) In dayZ are ones you can drive. They added catenary wire in the last update so hopefully we'll see some electrical locomotives from the Czech republic
  21. SammyTheGamer

    Dynamic Events

    Or realistic evens such as army bases, army convoys, plane crashes etc.
  22. SammyTheGamer

    Island Stash

    Image does not exist lmao
  23. SammyTheGamer

    thinking about coming back

    Come back until they replace the old loot system again...