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About Juuddee

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Snowboarding and DAYZ!
  1. Juuddee

    DayZ not showing servers

    I'm having a real problem with Day Z here, NO servers at all will show up. -I've set my max ping to 999. -Re installed the game. -Checked my firewall. -Refreshed the servers. -I'm NOT on LAN. -Tried to join manually using an IP. -Rebooted my router. -My Day Z is upto date. I am truly stumped, If anyone can help me it will be appreciated! http://gyazo.com/b92f9d52edd705dd9a9cd3096b4f7388(link showing my server list)
  2. Hi, Im looking for a clan/group to play SA with, I have over 440+ hrs played on SA so I know what Im doing, I can play most positions but I prefer a Sniper or CQB assaults. I have TS3 and Skype so I can communicate verbally, I am 14 and from Scotland which is GMT(Timezone) so I would prefer to play with someone from the UK, I can however play with users with good English,but if you have poor English the language barrier may be a problem. My Steam name is : Juuddee Feel free to message me about my post.