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Everything posted by raphaelf

  1. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    So i want to be able to play dayz via my arma II, but howcome i cant find any servers? plz help! so i click multiplayer and there arnt any servers? how can i join one?
  2. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    There are literally only epoch/overpoch servers I can find
  3. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    One says ur missing these files which have been deleted tavi and stuff it says that on epoch and overpoch servers otherwise it says uv been kicked battleye update or something not on Mai PC ATM I'll precise in a few min
  4. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    One says ur missing these files which have been deleted tavi and stuff it says that on epoch and overpoch servers otherwise it says uv been kicked battleye update or something not on Mai PC ATM I'll precise in a few min
  5. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    ook it worked but unfortunately i always get kicked. soimething to do wit battleye. u guys know how to fix?
  6. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    so do i delete dayz mod then open arma II oa and then arma II and then dayz?
  7. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    Since no one is replying to mai earlier post anymore i wanted to post a new one,is this right? I update mai arma II oa to beta. Download dayz mod Launch dayz arma II and arma II oa Then close it re-open dayz then servers should appear on multi but still none for me
  8. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    Also should i update dayz mod to lates?
  9. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    i tried the steps aswell but there arnt any servers so i cant play dayz, i updated arrowhead to beta and then launched dayz and still didnt work
  10. raphaelf

    plz help me.......

    yes im talking about the mod and yes i got it off steam along with all dlcs and arma II oa and arma II