1] Nickname: Hooba or Fubared 2] Region(Country): US - Midwest 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes, of course 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: TS3, check. Condensor Mic, check. 12 channel mixer, check. 5] Steam name: Hoobascank (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hoobascank/) 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: less than a month 7] How many Clans have you been In: Zero in Dayz, roughly 10 in the past 15 years in other games. 8] Previous experience: Gaming for the past 15 years (I'm 40). 9] How many bandits have you killed: 3 (luckily) 10] Are you willing to help other players: I am more than willing to help others. Don't really get any enjoyment from just killing others in Dayz unless they have hostile intent. What I lack in DayZ playing time, I can more than adequately make up for in gaming experience, co-op and abilities to follow directions as well as understanding the game mechanics and concepts. As stated, I've been gaming over 15 years, in various FPS releases: Quake 3: Arena, Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory, Quake 4, Battlefield, BF2, BF3 and BF4, (sadly) World of Warcraft 10 years as Guild Leader and Lead Officer of a guild of an active progression raiding guild. DayZ offers something the other games lack and I have a desire to experience.