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Everything posted by Pjo

  1. Hello, I installed Arma2, Arma: AO, ant then DayZ Commander and mod. It did installed in Arma directory, but when I try to play on server, it says: "There was an error launching Arma and DayZ. bla bla... Details: Couldn't find file.". I also tried to check Arma, and it crashed launcher, and sends this message: http://s4.postimg.org/zedma84p8/dayzcrash.jpg. What I can do to make dayZ run?
  2. Ok, I added to steam, and DayZ Launcher started to work. Thanks for advice! :D Topic ready to close!
  3. @Jacobahalls - Tried DayZLauncher too. Same crash, but also fails to install mod. @Koala :3 - What difference will make steam vs not-steam version? It will be the same game. But what about my issues? Also why basic Arma can't see any servers?
  4. I have non-Steam version (but with original CD-Key). Also I tried to play just basic Arma, but it doesn't show any servers on multiplayer.