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About Vesdun

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  1. Vesdun

    Private servers

    Hey, monkey, if you don't know what I'm talking about, refrain yourself from replying, nobody is forcing you. I just made a question and you are clearly an ignorant who does not know anything about law. He has the right to allow or forbid it, he made the mod, he manages the official servers. If he does not give a fuck about these servers, then it's ok, I won't play Rocket's police, nontheless I just informed that these guys were going too far. You guys think that it's ok because many people are doing so, what great way of thinking, if nobody complains these things will continue to happen, just a thought, I repeat, if Rocket does not care, why should I? This is mere information.
  2. Vesdun

    Private servers

    You call legit a server where pirated copies can actually play? I think it's you who don't understand, why I paid for this game if I can get to play a better server that do not require a valid key? It's not a private server, it's a pirated server.
  3. There are many people running private servers to play without all the rampant hacking that is going on lately. I never tried it, because I've been told that they are all pirates. Does Rocket allow it? There's nothing that can be done? A friend of mine told me to visit a website where I had to register to be accepted, then download another program so they could keep an eye on me while I was playing... Gosh, that's certainly too much. Then I noticed the site was a copy of this one, and I'm absolutely sure it's full of pirates, main reason I didn't want to try it out. I'm sure the tight control avoid the hacking, but I don't know if the admins there can see my key, I won't risk it for a safe server that is not official. Anyways, my question is, where should I denounce these people? Should I do anything? Seems like impunity to me. We buy the game, we go through the official servers, we eat all the sh*t that hackers put there for us. Then these people get a pirated copy, the best servers and the best control? Something must be wrong here. Am I the only person to ever see this happening? I'll paste the address below, check it out and let's stop these assholes http://z-day.com.ar
  4. Guys, if you were banned by mistake, then BE will reverse their decision. Not many people on this forum is complaning and Dayz has far too many players, I didn't get a global ban, neither my friends. Even if some of you could be saying the truth about the "never hacked in my life" thing, others are just lying and deserve this global ban. Some people use random scripts to get even with the cheaters that screwed with his character, these people are ocassional cheaters, and even if they play legit most of the time, they will get banned, and within reason. BE is not the best anti-cheat company, and it has made mistakes in the past, but corrected it. They are tying to stop the rampant hacking, so don't start a topic here to complain about something that has nothing to do with Dayz. Rocket stated that they can't ask BE to remove bans, users must do it provided they didn't cheat, ever...
  5. Vesdun

    cheater found on FR195

    It does, if I find a cheater's body, I wouldn't use his weapons, that would make me the very same shit.. I might take his beans though. Just hide the body and keep playing.
  6. Vesdun

    Hero Skin Bandits

    Keep it to yourself, I don't want to know about your lame tactics.
  7. Vesdun

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    Alright, I see your point, but even if that happens, I still have a chance to kill them and get their gear, or discover their hidden camps. Even if they cheat, we still get to play the game without hackers making fun of us, or at least with a minimum of them. This game is absolutely immersive, and we spend hours playing, we lose track of time, but you don't regret it, because it's somehow rewarding, just until a stupid fool without nothing better to do pops in and starts using hacks to kill people just to amuse himself. How do you think I feel after losing everything I got? Why do I feel like the devs are not interested in making anything to stop the rampant hacking? We see no action, so we act in consequence. Locking the servers is not the best of the solutions, I agree. But it's the only thing we got now.
  8. Vesdun

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    Well, it doesn't make any sense to me. Why would they do that when spawning things is quite easy? Even if that happens, at least they are gathering the gear as legit players do. We are not talking about private servers, but password protected servers, which is not the same, people are still ALLOWED to play there whenever they want, the only tiny thing that is required, it's to fill an application. Why is that such an issue for most of you? Can you stand all the hacking that is happening right now? I can't, and I would like to see Rocket's ideas to stop hackers and script kiddies, because if an alpha is meant to be tested, well, it already lost its way. We found a big problem here, the game is damn easy to hack, where's the fix? I'd like to have a better solution, but right now, the password protected server is the best we got.
  9. Vesdun


    You people never get tired of kissing Rocket's ass? Ok, he had a great idea, Dayz it's a great game, but come on.. It's pathetic, if people complain about the mod, you just treat them like if they wouldn't have the right to do so. It's a "free mod", sure, but we all paid for CO and some of us also paid for BAF and PMC, so if I want to make a critic, I'm entitled to do so. RALF (Rocket's a** li***ng force) is gonna get mad about my post, but I couldn't care less. Yes, yes... It's an alpha... Yes, yes, it's battleye's fault... Yes, yes, scripters are unstoppable (lol)... I just can't imagine you laughing after losing 7 hours playing the game to a hacker in 2 f**** minutes. Seriously, something MUST be done, alpha, beta or gamma.
  10. Vesdun

    Anti-Cheat Solution

    I think it's a great idea and I'm not a server owner. Right now the game is f**ing unplayable because of the script kiddies (please, do not call them hackers, they have more important things to do than messing with a damn game). I think that with a password protected server, admins can have more control of who's playing on the server, yeah, shit will happen, of course, human stupidity is infinite, but at least you now have a list to narrow the search. We need this and we need it now, people here are complaining about the idea but they propose nothing in return.. "we need a better BE", no shit, really?? Of course we need a better BE, is it coming? I don't know! but I won't wait for it when we can have a solution that won't make me wait more than one or two days. Some folks said Rocket doesn't care about people shutting down their servers because he's not getting the money they are paying for it. Let me remind you that without these servers, there's no dayz, so yes, Rocket cares a lot about the servers and that's why he's considering the idea. I'm sure that many of the people here saying this idea would "kill" the game are script kiddies, "hackers will get in anyway" SURE, THIS WE KNOW, but they won't have it easy and if you just want to play to have a f**ing laugh, you won't do it often, at least not THIS often. This game has potential, even in alpha stage, but these retarded assholes spawning shit or teleporting are DESTROYING the game, right now, it's happening and you are WORRIED for something that MAY or MAY NOT happen with the admins if they have more control in the servers they PAY for... So, jackcrow, I support your idea, I had the same idea myself and told some admins a while ago. I hope Rocket agrees too. PS: I'm French, and I speak 3 languages, if you are going to criticize my grammar or anything, write a post this long in French first, and calling someone a retard for making a mistake, it's... retard.
  11. Vesdun

    Is the new update out yet? (

    I find version quite unplayable with all those graphic glitches, so I would like to know when it comes out too. I'm getting desperate...