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Everything posted by albinoclock

  1. albinoclock

    One plus to .49

    Honestly, as long as you stay fed you don't need to carry around a bunch of different shirts. Personally, I do carry extra coats in case I find a freezing bambi or one of my friends needs one, but you can get by just wearing a gorka jacket all the time or even a wool coat. As long as you stay fed and make a fire if you start to get down to freezing you'll be just fine. Being cold is okay.
  2. albinoclock

    Do you consider this glitching?

    I don't see a problem with it. It seems more or less ubiquitous, and you still have to go through the effort of getting the loot. I had a mule before the wipe with loads of drum mags, O- blood, spare clothing, extra weapons, and all kinds of other crap on it. To me it just seems like a temporary storage measure until we can get bases or persistency gets sorted out better and we can something more permanent and intentional. It facilitates group play and makes a hell of a prize if you manage to kill it. We killed a bandit on an op once who had a bunch of seeded mountain bags and came out with a pile of grenades and like 8 tac vests. In like July. It was pretty cool. So yeah, I think it's fine. For you, for the guy who kills you, for your friends, for bambis, for everyone. I have found, though, that if you go too deep, it can get a little messy. I had like 25 mountain bags inside of one another at one point and that caused me some nasty lag when I tried to empty them so I slimmed down. I recommend seeding high caps instead.
  3. I like that idea. I might have to try something like this at some point. If you got rid of coward you could use a d6.
  4. albinoclock

    Are these weather effects a bit too much?

    I think the problem some of you guys are having is that you're expecting clothing alone to make you warm. That's not going to happen unless you get a down jacket and those are terrible in the rain. To get warm what you need to do is get fully energized. Once you're energized, you'll produce more body heat and you'll actually start warming up. I've laid down in two fires with dark orange hungry and not been able to get rid of my hypothermia, but once people brought me some food I started getting better right away. Fires are a great way to get your heat up once you're well fed if it starts to drop into freezing, but food is the ideal way to stay warm. If you're well fed and you have a coat or a gorka top you're going to be perfectly fine. Don't even worry about being cold, just keep yourself from freezing. You can run around wet and cold all the time and as long as you're fed you're rarely going to drop down into freezing. If you do, just make a fire and warm up for a little while. I'd say it even seems as though they've dialed things back a bit in the past few days.