I don't see a problem with it. It seems more or less ubiquitous, and you still have to go through the effort of getting the loot. I had a mule before the wipe with loads of drum mags, O- blood, spare clothing, extra weapons, and all kinds of other crap on it. To me it just seems like a temporary storage measure until we can get bases or persistency gets sorted out better and we can something more permanent and intentional. It facilitates group play and makes a hell of a prize if you manage to kill it. We killed a bandit on an op once who had a bunch of seeded mountain bags and came out with a pile of grenades and like 8 tac vests. In like July. It was pretty cool. So yeah, I think it's fine. For you, for the guy who kills you, for your friends, for bambis, for everyone. I have found, though, that if you go too deep, it can get a little messy. I had like 25 mountain bags inside of one another at one point and that caused me some nasty lag when I tried to empty them so I slimmed down. I recommend seeding high caps instead.