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Everything posted by albinoclock

  1. albinoclock

    Prison Island?

    No longer an issue! Swim away!
  2. albinoclock

    DayZ Autorun Tutorial

    Download AutoHotkey and use the script below. Keep in mind this will hold down both W and Shift until you press them again. This is pretty useful because you can toggle run/walk as well as autorun. If your run isn't set to Shift+W it will not work. Replace "b" with whatever key you want your autorun set to. I use "=". #IfWinActive, DayZ b:: Send {w Down} Send {lshift Down} W::Sleep return
  3. albinoclock

    Trading Post

    Admins have access to server logs as of .53, public or private.
  4. The MILN is on the friends lists of several of the attackers too.
  5. We recommend that people swim across on a low pop and ghost in under the arches where we can get them in safely. It's all in the trader's guide.
  6. albinoclock

    Trading Post

    I have proof that he attacked the trading post with multiple friends. I've got the admin logs right in front of me. Irrelevant steam IDs and lines have been redacted. -REMOVED- You'll note that not only is HoneyB himself clearly among the attackers, but if you check the profiles of the other IDs two are his friends.
  7. Okay, now I know who HoneyB-John is. It's John Browning. He attacked the trading post with his friends and I have proof in the form of server admin logs. Considering that he's lying in order to tarnish our name, I don't feel as though it's untoward to post this evidence for the public to consider. -REMOVED- Guard IDs and irrelevant lines have been redacted. You'll note that HoneyB-John is Shaft, while his confirmed friends are Chuck Norris and Anything 4 $20. Bildo's account (which, notably, has a VAC ban on record), is set to private and may or may not be connected. The MILN, who posted above, is also friends with the attackers. Don't try to pull one over on me, boys, I do my research.
  8. albinoclock

    Trading Post

    I'm pretty sure your name was Shaft. That'd make sense because it links back to a steam profile associated John Browning (who was in my TS) whose current steam name is Honey Badger (HoneyB-John) and all the attackers are friends with John Browning on Steam. In other words you're that guy who was in my TS and then came and attacked with all his friends. Now let's talk about why we held you up and had you get on the ground though. You weren't in the teamspeak like you were supposed to be so we weren't expecting you. You also ran through the tunnel without stopping to be searched. (Actually, I've been informed that contrary to his assertion he logged in in the middle of the yard where I was shot) This while we were in the middle of being attacked by a team that was ghosting in on us. In fact, I got killed while you were lying on the ground there by someone who did manage to spawn in unseen upstairs while you provided a distraction. If you hadn't come barreling through the tunnel building before you were told to the guards upstairs wouldn't have shifted downstairs and the top floor would have been clear. "Everyone" wasn't mowed down there. Just the two of us, and to my estimation you were acting a hell of a lot like bait. If you hadn't provided a perfect diversion for the shooters neither of us would have died. Of course, you're not an innocent trader at all, you're an ambusher. Shame on you John Browning, trying to give us a bad name just because we foiled your attack. -REMOVED-
  9. The event went fine. We were a bit light on traders, but we repelled the attackers and held the area. Not surprising that things were a bit slow after a month long hiatus. We'll be back again next week and every saturday. If you want to see a busier trading post, show up to trade! Who is HoneyB-John? I don't recognize that name as someone who showed up. Did they attack? I'm not sure why there's an impression that things didn't go well in terms of PvP. We had three combat-related guard casualties on a team of about 15 and killed at least four attackers. Most significantly, we had no civilian casualties. Defensively I'd call it a success, especially considering that we're working with a new group of people. And DickCheney, we've been doing this since August. Making it public and creating a space where people can trade safely in spite of attacks is the whole point. Why have guards if you're just hiding from attackers anyway?
  10. albinoclock

    Pustoshka Gear Giveaway!

    We've got a ton of gear (seen below) that we can't possibly use before the wipe. Mags, ammo, clothes, all kinds of stuff. We've even got a RAK and a grass-wrapped mosin. Come grab some of this stuff and use it before the wipe! For the IP come meet us on TS @ ts.burnayariver.com:7040
  11. albinoclock

    Pustoshka Gear Giveaway!

    My buddy Bobo found the RAK, no idea where. Some of this stuff is from dead hackers but most of it is just crap we've been collecting since the last wipe. It's still there if anybody wants to drop by TS and grab some. It's an 8088, actually. ;) If you want the MP5 it's all yours. I've got a bunch of mags for it too.
  12. albinoclock

    Character wipe?

    Characters will definitely wipe with .53. When .53 will drop is anyone's guess. Given how many concurrent experimental branches there currently are, though, I'd say they're pushing to get it out quickly.
  13. This weekend Burnaya River Trading Co will be hosting an educational clinic for fresh spawns instead of the usual trading post, what with the impending wipe hanging over our heads. We'll be providing in-game tips, answering questions, and generally helping people learn to be better players. If you're interested in learning more about the game or have something to bring to the table, we'd love to see you! Please note that this event is intended for fresh spawns, not geared players. We'll have guards, but other than that participants should show up fresh. The event will start at 6p EST (11GMT) on Saturday 1/31. Initial spawn location will be announced an hour before via teamspeak. For more information please see our subreddit at BurnayaRiver.com We hope to see you there!
  14. albinoclock

    Fresh Spawn Clinic: Come Learn Things!

    We have been hosting weekly guarded trading posts since August. It is not a trap. If it was a trap I'd be looking for geared players, not fresh spawns. Incidentally, though, everyone will eventually be asked to kill themselves repeatedly as part of one of the workshops. So yes, if you come you should be ready to die.
  15. The Burnaya River Trading Co is hosting a guarded trading post this Saturday at Gorka. Please make sure to read our Trader's Guide, including location-specific rules for Gorka. Those who do not read the Trader's Guide risk being shot by guards. If you're interested in coming, please be in the Reddit Rescue Force teamspeak ( in the Open Lounge of the Burnaya River Trading Co once the trading post is open. We don't always advertise but we host these trading posts every week at the same time. New locations can be found in our subreddit's sidebar @ /r/BurnayaRiverTradingCo We hope to see you there!
  16. Trading posts starts in just under an hour!
  17. Security is definitely a primary concern but there are other factors as well. Convenience is a big part of it. We tend to be vaguely near either spawn points or primary loot destinations. We also have to consider the size of the compound, as there needs to be enough room for traders to move around. You've also got to consider problematic bugs. You don't want traders freezing to death because you can't light a fire or dying to glitches. Stairs and platforms are generally to be avoided, as is anything people could easily fall off of. A nearby water source is always a plus. There's more information in a post asking for location suggestions at burnayariver.com
  18. The Burnaya River Trading Co is hosting a guarded trading post this Saturday at Green Mountain. Please make sure to read our Trader's Guide, including location-specific rules for Green Mountain. Those who do not read the Trader's Guide risk being shot by guards. If you're interested in coming, please be in the Reddit Rescue Force teamspeak ( in the Open Lounge of the Burnaya River Trading Co once the trading post is open. We don't always advertise but we host these trading posts every week at the same time. New locations can be found in our subreddit's sidebar @ /r/BurnayaRiverTradingCo We hope to see you there!
  19. Yeah, they like to try. They don't have much success. A bunch of ghillied guys lined up to die last night, maybe that was them.
  20. If you mean to come trade loot with other people, yes! If you mean to kill people and take loot, it's your funeral! But hey, we'll be glad to see either your live trading or dead banditing body either way!
  21. Yeah, they seem to have a much larger player-base.
  22. albinoclock

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Also, it could add an interesting dimension to combat. An ambusher who has been sitting in the same position for a long time might be a bit less stealthy if he smelled like shit.
  23. albinoclock

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Why not? It's a survival game. Bandits could poop in all the water near Berezino and I could save all the bambis with antibiotics.