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Everything posted by gregthegangster

  1. I'm currently looking for a few friends to play with that are quite experienced with the game. The ideal person/persons will be able to have a laugh but also are mature as I'm in the process of starting a YouTube series on the game & need that level of maturity when were speaking over TS. I'm currently playing the map Taviana on with the overpoch/overwatch mod. If anyones interested my steam name is GregGoneAWOL / Skype: lordmano11 - Greg
  2. gregthegangster

    Looking for an experienced group to play with

    Still looking for team members!
  3. gregthegangster

    Server list not showing up!

    I downloaded the game yesterday & tried playing it multiplayer. It just doesn't show up, I've tried switching the modes from LAN / Internet, refreshed it a few times & even tried connecting to a server remotely. Nothing works :/
  4. gregthegangster

    Server list not showing up!

    I've done all this I've done all of this & manually tried connecting aswel, doesn't work show any servers!
  5. gregthegangster

    Server list not showing up!

    It's actually been like this for days, no servers show up & I have nothing else going on in the house using the internet :/
  6. Hey guys, today I've literally been through hell trying to get this game working on my MacBook Pro. I've basically gone out & bought Windows 8, created a partition on my hardrive (of my MacBook Pro) & installed it into that partition using Apples 'Bootcamp assistant'. After installing the operating system I also loaded the drivers which were given to me by Apples 'Bootcamp assistant'. I now have the game on the Windows 8 (on my MacBook) which is a £2000 machine... I have got to the menu & experienced extreme lag to the point where I've even managed to turn down all my video settings & it is still lagging a lot despite my high-end computer hardware - here is my computer http://store.apple.com/uk/buy-mac/macbook-pro?product=MGXC2B/A&step=config# I have tried running the game on this website http://www.systemrequirementslab.com & everything is great but it says I don't have the required 512MB of video RAM... It says I have 256MB. This is complete bullshit? I believe I have 2GB of GDDR5 video RAM. It also says that my graphics card is called 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter'. So I believe this is where the issue lies. My theory is for some reason one of the drivers which I have installed which was given to me by the Bootcamp assistant is messing with me. This is literally all the information I can possibly provide, does anybody know how I could fix this? Thanks you!
  7. I do have a decent CPU.... You just read '2.3Ghz & 2.8Ghz' then make your assumption. It says there that my CPU performs at 5.29Ghz & it scores in the top 84th percentile for CPU's tested. Also were looking at the recommended requirements not the minimum.
  8. gregthegangster

    Resolution problems? Read here before posting!

    I've noticed in my video settings that my 'interface resolution* is set to 2880*1800*32 shouldn't it be 1440*900 since this is my screen res? It doesn't give me an option to change it though only to 'windowed'. My game is so laggy its unbearable to play, it's extremely laggy in the menu too. I think this may be the problem, I tried editing the file to 1440 / 900 but it just changed back when I run it I think. Any ideas? This isn't normal, surely? http://tinypic.com/r/258t75x/8
  9. I've noticed in my video settings that my 'interface resolution* is 2880*1800*32 shouldn't it be 1440*900? It doesn't give me an option to change it though only to windowed mode http://tinypic.com/r/258t75x/8 This cant be normal surely ?
  10. Did you look at the tinypic link? It says everything is good & it's only the game that lags, nothing else on my machine does.
  11. That's what I've guessed from reading the report from systemrequirementslab but surely that can't be the case... I really don't know, but the game isn't even playable. It's just a proper joke, I've spent loads of money on the OS/other things & spent about 6 hours dicking about with 1 problem after another. I finally get the game downloaded & stuff & it lags like this.
  12. That's what I mean, there really shouldn't be a problem with my hardware. I'm using a really, high-end machine that graphics designers & stuff use. My hunch is this 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter' interfering with something as when I run my system requirements ( http://tinypic.com/r/2zqyffd/8 ) it has his text 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter' replaced where my graphics card should be. I looked up 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter' & it seems to be a driver http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/dn653353(v=vs.85).aspx.
  13. Also it's not like my whole computer lags to shit when I've loaded the game, if I load the game in windowed mode my computer is just as fast as it usually is loading other applications & stuff.
  14. Are you sure? I went out today to buy Windows 8 for this game thinking I would have no problems what so ever with my hardware. I don't think that's the problem to be honest with you. I have 2.3 Ghz but it also says 'You Have: 2.3 GHz Performance Rated at: 5.29 GHz'; heres my results from systemrequirementslab http://tinypic.com/r/2zqyffd/8