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Everything posted by Daikoi

  1. Daikoi

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Is it possible that the next update could ignore content and concentrate on fixing the "Loading", "Waiting" and "Losing connection" issues?
  2. Doesn't change anything. Still stuck at "Waiting for character" or lose connecting right after entering the game...
  3. Daikoi

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Same here. Constant "connection" issues with Day Z today... Played perfectly fine yesterday... If i'm not stuck at "Loading", then i'm "Waiting for character to create" or if i by some chance get ingame, i lose connection very shortly after... Guess i won't be playing Day Z today. Before you ask. Yes, Mod version, and yes latest beta patch 93965, and yes reinstalled and downloaded(multiple times), and yes i only join updated servers, and yes i can play every other online games without any problems at all, and yes none of this works...
  4. Daikoi

    Six Updater DayZ incompatible

    I stopped using Six Updater/Launcher days ago because it's lying about updating the mod and the beta patch to latest release. Started using Worrom's Day Z updater instead and haven't had any problems regarding updates.
  5. Daikoi


    Have you tried opening the actual backpack? Clicking the backpack and then [Open]. You have an inventory for "important" stuff and then a backpack.
  6. Well, there's your problem. Get CO to play this mod, eod.
  7. Daikoi


    Just bought A2CO for DayZ. Big fucking mistake... Steam says 4 hours played, but actually playtime would be around ½ hour, rest is wasted on wilderness fuckup, trying to log on a server, troublefinding. And now this shit spawning with nothing?!
  8. Ditto. Someone mentioned a fix for the Wilderness bug and i can't even log in to try it out. "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependant on downloadable content that has been deleted.cheranus" Also get the CABuildingparts and CivilianScope error messages, when starting up the game. Have also updated mod and beta files several times now.
  9. Daikoi

    Spawning in with nothing after wilderness.

    Yupe, same here. And i just waste 25€ today to play this mod
  10. Daikoi

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Fuck me... 25€ just to play this mod and i'm eternally stuck in wilderness...