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About Rough89

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  1. 2 - Understand what powers admins have. We can: - Lock the server - Restart the server - Password the server - Restart the mission in-game - Kick or ban players Actually admins can't password the server. You can password the server while it's down and under maintenance, but not while you and your buddies are playing or clan members are running around looting places. So yeah, shouldn't list the password part.
  2. Rough89

    US 13

    Holy jesus christ almighty, the server is taking FOREVER to connect to. 5+ minutes for receiving data, another 5+ for waiting for character to create, ect ect. So what's the problem this time?
  3. If you can't afford the server yourself then there is no point in attempting to get donations. 1) The donations may slow or stop and the server will go down. 2) Donators get no special privilege so why should they donate to play on your server when they can play on others. 3) You can't regulate hackers since the logs don't show spawns / people killing in debug ect. Admins on servers have very little power and this is done by the dev's design to keep them from abusing the players. Admins can reset servers, or kick and ban. The kicking and banned part is extremely limited to people just basically slinging racial slur's left n right or screaming at the top of their lungs over VOIP; however, since the latest patches removing global channels in-game chat really hasn't been an issue. So the answer most people are going to have for you is, why should we pay you for a server? There are no benefits and none of us have bleeding hearts of gold to really care about you taking care of your grandmother. Sorry but this is the internet, we don't care that you can't afford the server. I can't afford to hire a limo to drive me around everywhere, but I won't try to get donations for that. (Que rage, hate, and simple whimpering replies to my message)
  4. Rough89

    Admin Abuse

    Bump Need a dev to review this case. There is solid evidence in the admins abusing their power and yet the server still goes on. The abuse continues and nothing is done about it.
  5. Rough89

    Atlanta 24 Admin abuse

    Sounds like another case of admins abusing their power. Taking servers down without warning and the players that raided their camp getting banned. So tired of crap admins.
  6. This server is 5/5, I'm guessing it's just the IRA clan running around gathering supplies and hoarding equipment. I don't see how other server hosts requesting access get passed over when these guys get accepted and leave the server cap at 5 running around just their clan. Might as well make a single player attachment that transfers over to the multiplayer?
  7. Was it because you had items from the new patch on your character that were not in the older version and it saw it as cheating? No clue' date=' I received an email from them saying I was GUID hacking and the information was clear, they weren't going to post it and they won't tell me what the hell I was banned for. The character I was on hadn't died moving from the version to the 1.7.0 so I guess I would have the new items on there. Also like I said I have all the current versions of the dayz addons in the file. I only downloaded and moved the DayZ 1.7.0 Code.rar, not the vehicles / weapons n all those over either. I didn't know I had to do those or which ones went with which. This is some complete BS! I have 3 hours of gameplay for Arma2: OA for the dayz logged on my steam. I barely know how to play the game MUCH LESS desire to cheat. If I'm gonna get banned for something I better be doing it, this is shoddy work done by an outdated company that needs to get burned to the ground and pissed on. Anyways Rocket if you could please, would having the current weapons / vehicles ect files in my DayZ addons folder mixed with the 1.7.0 dayz code and trying to join a 1.7.0 server have caused this? I mean the new version's have the different debug monitor and stuff on the right side like the face n hunger n cold. Could this have caused a false positive with the GUID monitor and have been the reason I got banned? Because I played just fine until I tried reverting to the 1.7.0 server? [hr'] I need a member of the dev team to review this issue and let me know if using the updated files of DayZ with the 1.7.0 patch could have caused the false positive GUID hack detection. When I was attempting to revert I figured through process of elimination ( joined a 1.7.0 server and receiving invalid file errors ) I would eventually get the right versions. I didn't and instantly received a ban and the battle-eye people did absolutely no investigation into the matter.
  8. Thank you rocket, I sent them an email. The thing I was wondering is WHY I got banned. When reverting to the older version I only downloaded and moved the DayZ 1.7.0 code file. Was I supposed to download and revert ALL the files, because the old files archive had all the different versions and I didn't know which ones went with which aside from the obvious DayZ 1.7.0 code.rar
  9. Alright, well being one of those people that doesn't like the current patch, I attempted to revert my DayZ file to the 1.7.0 version to play on one of those servers still running. Seeing that there are ZERO guides that provide any details WHATSOEVER on how to exactly do it all I downloaded and moved was the 1.7.0 CODE into my addons folder. I attempted to join a 1.7.0 server and made it to the lobby, I then made it to the creating character selection and BAM. I received a message saying BattleEye global ban #e264. I can't join any DayZ servers, but can join other games. WTF is a #e264 ban? Anyone have any idea? Also why the hell did I get banned for changing a single file to play on the old 1.7.0 servers? BI basically said herp derp we don't give a shit, we know battle eye sucks and runs on windows 1998 message them about it. I have and still waiting on a response. Hollow rant follows - Anyone up for raiding the Battle Eye company and bleeding them dry for offering shit cheat protection ( because A. they couldn't stop the hackers in the first place and took FOREVER to ban ANYONE), while were at it, we could update their software to be more responsive. I would believe everyone here knows more than they do.
  10. First off: I understand the game is in Alpha stage. I have beta tested many large games and know that there are many bugs / glitches / and problems with the current DayZ model. Having stated the above, I am offering my two cents on what I believe is wrong with the current stage of patches / hotfixes. 1. Zed are still a little too formidable, even with the reduced detection. I have tried all sorts of methods to avoid zed while scavenging towns and nothing works. LoS? No that won't work they hear me shift+crouched on the other side of the building. Let's be honest, who is going to search Berenzino prone? It's not gonna happen. So with the current Zed alertness, why are they so powerful? 1 hit = bleed, hit while bleeding high chance of getting sick, antibiotics is the rarest item in the game. Zed now halfway run inside buildings so that tactic is out the door. Also the zed have a further melee range and higher damage. How can we fix this? Zed gotta give something up. They don't need super hearing, super sight, super attack range, and super knockdown / bleed / broken bone skills. Pick something and give them the advantage. Want them dealing tons of dmg, give up the ability to sneak through them, want them to detect us? Slow them down and reduce the dmg. Zombies aren't superman, they are rotting carcasses. During a test, 8/10 times I got hit, my character started bleeding. Several lives resulted in getting sick. After getting sick I conducted a test looking for antibiotics. Cherno? No. Electro? No. Berenzino? No. Many servers run the 1.7.0 patch, not because it was easy. The zed were manageable during that time in the alpha process. With the current slew of patches I think the devs are changing too much, too soon. Every hotfix is beefing up different aspects of the zed and nerfing everything with the survivors. Return the sound and sight for crouch, or atleast make the shift+crouch give reduced sight and sound than regular crouch running. I mean there literally is no difference. 4 Sight running, 4 sight shifted. ect ect... I apologize for every type and misspelled word in this massive block of text. I am not an English major and this is no English exam. Many of you will reply with negative remarks to my post, but that is ok. This information has probably already been stated somewhere on the forums, but it wasn't my 2 cents. I am not surfing the forums all day, in fact many of us work all day and can't afford the time to search endlessly for a forum that may or may not exist. Please by all means you forum savvy DayZ followers, post some links to current threads that discuss (in-depth) the above. Thank you and queu the hate! Edit: The game has potential, but during it's current state it's simply not enjoyable. The focus has shifted to a zombie shooter, away from the survival, thriller rpg (role playing game, because lets face it bandits and survivors are just people pretending the can of beans mean life and death).
  11. Rough89

    Server EU 40 - Owner Cheats

    Bump, it appears a lot of server owners and admins are breaking the rules. We need a dev specifically focused on cleaning up some of these servers.
  12. Rough89

    Admin Abuse

    Bump, server is still running.
  13. Rough89

    Admin Abuse

    Bump The admin abuse needs to be resolved! Still abusing their powers, still kicking people for clan members. I am tired of running along in the middle of looting when out of the blue "Kicked from server". Here goes another Legion server that isn't being dealt with.