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Umber Skies

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Posts posted by Umber Skies

  1. Dislike. The SD mags operate on the idea that the ammunition being fired is subsonic, while normal mags are supersonic. The two are not interchangeable. It would also break the balance of SD weapons to normal weapons. The trade off is supposed to be silenced weapon=rarer ammo.

  2. @rocket

    Any chance of having a group of (lets say 3 to 5) steel bolts per item slot?

    EDIT: This would liven up usage of the crossbow much I think

    I fully agree with this. I love using the crossbow, but can only carry 3-4 bolts when carrying other gear i need. Adding a quiver for the bolts, or just making the bolts have a higher ammo count (ie: Winchester ammo comes in things of 15, Lee comes in clips of 10, maybe bolts come in groups of three?) would make this often overlooked weapon much more useful.

  3. Zombies having super vision:

    Don't get me wrong, I like a challenge, but this is a bit ridiculous. That said, the detection levels of 1.6 were far to easy. Personally, i liked the detection levels of Not too hard, but not a cake walk. as long as you took your time you could watch their movements, know where they were going, and sneak around them, ala Deus Ex. It was very nice.

    Server lag:

    This one seems to be a by-product of the super zombies. it's fine as long as there are only a couple of zombies aggro'd. But if you get into a city all sneaky like, and then happen to aggro one zombie you are forced to run. And with the current detection this means aggroing EVERY zombie in the city, causing immense lag.

    Too fast zombies:

    This is a big issue (too me) with the game. I would not mind the zombies detection as they are, if they moved at more reasonable levels. But having zombies that see you at 100m crouched and move with the speed of the Avro Arrow? That's unreasonable. For balances sake, i think you have to choose either really fast zombies or really smart zombies. Either way, i think that the zombies should not be able to move faster then a survivor, especially considering that they are rotting. I can accept the same speed as us, but not faster.

    Jerky zombies:

    Easily the biggest problem (other then people who kill on sight) in the game right now, is the spastic movements of the zombies. It makes targeting them on the run nearly impossible, resulting in them usually getting close enough to hit us, usually causing bleeding and or broken bones. If nothing else, please fix this!!!

    My opinion of the game as it stands. I know there will be people coming on and calling me a CoD kiddy, or whatever term they choose, but I don't care. As long as Rocket sees this I will be happy.

  4. Hey, i was having the same problem as you earlier, i had a revolver with 5 clips, found a 1911 and wanted to switch them to 1911 rounds. Wouldnt work. But by chance i put all but one of my revolver clips in the backpack, and tried switching that one clip, and it worked. So give it a try. YMMV

    Just take it one at a time.

  5. I know it isnt a complete game. But Im not going to just sit around and act like this update was good. Starting with no weapons would be ok IF this game wasnt a mod for Arma II. A military simulator. Lets make a mod for plane simulator and leave out the wings and see if we can crash land every time..But biggest turn off is heart beat.

    Hahaha, love the flying metaphor xD

    Personally, i like most of the changes. No weapon, very nice. Reduced starting gear, very nice. Harder Hitting zombies, another great addition. I even like the increased amount of zombies, it adds a wonderful sense of danger. The only thing i dont like is the zombies detection range, when combined with their run speed. Currently it is as if the zombies are given the eyes of a hawk, the agility of a gymnast, and the legs of Hussain Bolt! I dont mind having tons of zombies that move fast, but have a slightly harder time finding you, or tons of zombies that can detect you easily, but move closer to a jog speed. But all three, super fast, super perceptive AND tons of them? Its a little overkill.

    Rocket, The mod is great, but you have to have a balance. I say keep the increased amounts of zombies, keep their new strength, lower their ability to spot you just slightly (by maybe 5-15 yards), increase their hearing dramatically (if i am firing a gun in a small town i want to attract every zombie in that town. Guns are loud after all!), but lower their speed to either a jog or a shuffle.

    Thanks for your time.
