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About PeteOfButcherBay

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  1. PeteOfButcherBay

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    ofcourse not, they want to look at some pixel arse! and peer over walls, fucking peeping toms.
  2. PeteOfButcherBay

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I noticed that the iron sights were off on the PDW when i had warm clothing on.
  3. Loving this mod so far, I shat bricks about 10min ago when a helicopter turned up at electro and hovered there for a few minutes I even think the gunner killed someone luckily I think they didn't spot me in the brush and left and soon after i did before they came back. :)
  4. My e-peen is still bigger than yours.
  5. PeteOfButcherBay

    12k hackers banned my ass

  6. PeteOfButcherBay

    Want to trade my Mountain Dew for NVG's

    I think you overestimate the value of mountain dew, If it was from mount Olympus and it was the same water that the very gods themselves drank from then.. yeah maybe.
  7. PeteOfButcherBay

    Why do my tents keep getting discovered?

    After a few months play you realise that the map actully isn't very big to be able to stash stuff away for long periods of time. Couple of tips on placing tents well: Don't put them on areas of high line-of-sight. Place them away from any landmarks (this includes any distinguisable places on the ingame map and rocks) Put them next to 'christmas' trees & bushes for better cover (sometimes this can be bad because people mark areas to look where there is alot of these trees) I hope that helps, even if you knew this already.
  8. PeteOfButcherBay

    Opinions on Zombie Hearing and Aggro in

    "Welcome to the apocalypse"
  9. PeteOfButcherBay

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    Proof is in the pudding. Sticking with DayZ currently.