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Everything posted by AllYoYens

  1. http://imgur.com/g5sPd I made a "danger zone" map to show people the general dangerous areas. This can help you out a little bit, and it's based upon personal experiences of both myself and other survivors. Hard Red: Extremely dangerous Red: Dangerous Orange: Less dangerous but still... Yellow: Probably will see someone Green: Pretty low chance but you might see someone. Unmarked: Low chance of contact. Remember, the whole world should be red to you, use the map, but your guard should never be let down.
  2. AllYoYens

    Danger Zones- A Danger Map

    Wow this was a long time ago.
  3. AllYoYens

    m1014 reloading

    Maybe this was posted before, but I found an M1014 and I can't reload it. I had a full magazine from picking it up but now that I logged off I can't load the weapon. I've tried all types of shotgun ammo, but it doesn't work. Has anyone solved this problem yet?
  4. The current reason for spawning at the coast is you leaving the game while it's loading a server. Before, you would be taken to the Wilderness because when you spawn, you first spawn at the wilderness. Instead of leaving you in the wilderness when you log it, it detects that and puts you somewhere on the coastline. I believe spawning you in the wilderness first is to keep people from seeing you and killing you while loading. It's pretty annoying, but I get it, thought in the future it definitely shouldn't be a feature we have to deal with. How do you think they can solve this problem? Black and white, they could make you spawn at the spot instead of the Wilderness first, but that would increase your chances of being killed while loading.That's the most direct fix for me but there's probably a better way to do it and I have no idea how they tweak the game. It's not really the game's fault, as the problem is with the server not being able to connect with you or something fucking up during connecting. How do you think server admins and devs will deal with this? What game mechanic must be changed to keep us from spawning in Prigorodki all the time? (I've spawned 9/10 times in Prigorodki for some reason)
  5. So everyone starts in similar spots? That would be incredibly annoying if you have a camp of the top left corner and the spawn made you start in Cap Gorlova Thought it would be cool if you spawned anywhere when you spawn for the first time.
  6. AllYoYens

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    No, it's a sniper. Why the fuck would you rebalance guns that would kill in one shot in real life anyway. Some even take two shots.
  7. I'm a bandit. I would kind of try to be better, but for some reason I started out at negative 25000 humanity when the patch rolled in. So fuck it, I'm shooting all of you. It's at -40,000 now.
  8. Are they permanently gone or what? I'm still confused over the tents, it's been 3 fucking months and I still don't get it. They sometimes disappear after a restart and sometimes come back, but sometimes they don't. Do they come back after updates?
  9. I've dealt with this since 2 months ago. Get over it. This is the way the game works. There is no end game, no way of keeping your loot, and there is no reason to complain and say that this is the #1 priority.
  10. So I logged into Skype and this was what my friend told me: He walked into the Cherno firestation, and he thought he heard footsteps, so he closed the door, walked to the corner and raised his M4. All of a sudden all 4 doors swing open and 4 guys dressed as Gordon Freeman armed with crowbars run into the firehouse and start whacking him. He instantly freaks out and empties his magazine into all of them. He kills 3 and the 4th gets away. All they had was morphine and beans. I love when people do things that are fun, and not just being assholes. I'm totally fine with more Gordon Freemans trying to kill me with crowbars. Whoever did this, you're doing it right.
  11. AllYoYens

    The Kind of Hackers I Love

    This is also one of the best hacking examples I have ever seen:
  12. AllYoYens

    The Kind of Hackers I Love

    I don't give a fuck. It's funny
  13. AllYoYens

    Where do most dupers hide their tents?

    I've never found a tent near the dam but according to this forum they are common. I find shits tons in, undisclosable places.
  14. AllYoYens

    Found a hacked crate,

    Cry more.
  15. AllYoYens

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    No. They can barely make it work on PC
  16. Machine gun has more ammo, more ammo capacity, greater suppression, about the same audible range of the FAL and has a better sight IMO. I used the MK48 but I ended up hating it for the loudness. One I fired a single shot I would literally have to fight 50 zombies because they would all spook within 1km and they would respawn already spooked. I would have to disconnect because it was an endless horde.
  17. I once found 3 tents before finding some fucking matches. It's just luck of the draw. They spawn in supermarkets. I can't believe I found 3 fucking camping tents and not matches.
  18. I've lost over 25 tents. Just get over it and steal stuff.
  19. AllYoYens

    Your Funniest DayZ Moments?

    That. 1:10 EDIT: There were probably way more funny moments that I didn't record. It's usually the small stuff.
  20. AllYoYens

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    Blowing a whistle? The dog will get you killed.
  21. Survivor: "To start off with, i am 14, but shouldnt be judged by my age... i am very mature and smart! anyways my current time zone is GMT -7 and am looking for a group to team up with, throw them empty whisky bottles at zombies in cherno. i have a second group thats hardly on, so we will have a hefty clan if i can recruit some well experienced players. I plan on raiding cities, find vehicles and crashed heli's, and just have a good time. That being said, here is how you can contact me: SKYPE... skype name: pvm.this i am currently geared up in elektro PS~ (im a brony) Thanks Bros!" Bandit: =ATS= requirements Age of 18+ Active and Mature Team Speak 3 Team Player New and old as long as you are willing to learn. Ingame name must have =ATS= before it. example =ATS= Striker ( forum name is optional ) =ATS= strives to be a highly tactical clan, let it be during clan wars or just a quick looting run tactics are always in play, practicing and learning we will always adapt to the situation and get out alive, or die trying we will never give up we will fight till the end, no man is left behind. Current Member Count ( 17 ) =ATS= Rules Work as a team if you are not willing to work as a team player then do not bother joining. If the player looks like a threat take him down. Call out shots fired. Call out enemy's spotted. Don't fall for traps, if it looks too good to be true it's a trap. Be on TS3 when online. No Combat Logging ( Alt F4 ) No Hacking =ATS= Goals Voice comm's ( Achieved ) Website ( Under Construction ) Gaining new members ( In Progress ) Ranking Structure ( In Progress ) Our own server ( In Progress ) =ATS= is a multi gaming clan starting on DayZ. To Join fill this form out. Age: Ingame Name: TZ and Country: Are you willing to use TS3: Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) What type of role would best suit you: If you are selected to join I will send you a mail on the website with the TS3 details, I will not be posting our roster on the forums. My steam is =ATS= Striker ---------------------------------------------------- Looks like I'm going to stay out of the survivor forum
  22. AllYoYens

    Please make Dayz standalone CLOSED testing.

    Yeah I agree. We bitch way too much.
  23. AllYoYens

    Spawn with a Map

    I don't even think you should have painkillers when you spawn. I would never suggest a map.