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Everything posted by AllYoYens

  1. AllYoYens

    Need Morphine

    Well i didnt spawn with it and have never come across any morphine once in my 8 hrs of play soooooo0......... ya just go away if u dont have any plz n thank u post is not for u' date=' its for the helpful medics of the Zworld :D [/quote'] Yeah the bone breaking is bullshit, it happens too often. "Don't go anywhere without Morphine and Bandages"... what bullshit. Even if you do find some it never respawns and you'll never get it again.
  2. AllYoYens

    Real Bones

    I died from falling four feet onto a haystack. Alright. I was super angry but I know falling in this game is bullshit anyway. Well, a gate opened and swung and broke my leg. Really? Legs break ALL THE TIME! My bones seem to be made of plastic. Is it really necessary to break a limb every day from trivial injuries?
  3. AllYoYens

    Real Bones

    The more he sees it the more incentive he has to making us shut up
  4. I learned this the hard way. If you open a gate in your face, it will swing and break your bones. It will also make you bleed. Is this fixable? The gate crippled me, pretty unrealistic eh?
  5. 1.71 patch. Joined game. Fucking dark. So dark. Dark dark dark. Even darker than before, unplayable dark. So I decided to use flares. Clicked F but wouldn't switch to flares. I don't know what's going on but I can't deploy flares, which means I can't see a centimeter in front of me. I can't play anymore at night.
  6. AllYoYens

    middle of nowhere

    Join a server called Canada 2 or something like that. You will spawn right outside the map. Then run east. I don't know how you'll find which way is east but that's what everyone else is doing.
  7. AllYoYens


    Possible errors. Battleye is not installed correctly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsvEz_7C2W8&feature=relmfu Watch that and skip the first minute. The guy is a asshat, he says that he doesn't want to waste time but just talks about bullshit.
  8. AllYoYens

    Need some help.

    Remember you have to run Steam in admin, then run both arma games before runnig OA and the DayZ
  9. AllYoYens

    frozen when I join a server

    My friend is having the same problem but this happened in the 1.7 patch too.
  10. AllYoYens

    Can't connect to servers

    Remember you must run both Arma's with adminstrator first
  11. AllYoYens

    Spawn Points

    Would be kind of unfair, people would just spawn camp if you picked a city.
  12. AllYoYens

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Fucking ridiculous
  13. AllYoYens

    Crying about current issues?

    This is why people stop playing games. The dev makes it only work for the experienced players and the new players just leave.
  14. AllYoYens

    Can't Use Flares after update

    I HAVE FLARES IN MY BACKPACK! What the fuck are they doing there if I can't use them?