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Everything posted by AllYoYens

  1. Where did you get those statistics?
  2. yeah the spawn rate in deer huts it's pretty avg. Theyre also everywhere
  3. Taking away guns is the worst idea in this post. Taking away high powered guns will not make you safe, if you give me a gun I will still shoot you in the face on sight. This is Arma, there are military bases for looting, everything is based upon risk and reward, taking away nice guns is detrimental to the mindset of people earning their gear and trying to stay alive with it. Edit: also we have guns, nots bows or swords.
  4. Spawn in a random location 500m away when you log in
  5. they can do whatever they want, they're not connected to the main game.
  6. I don't remember seeing it in the patch notes so I think it's a glitch
  7. AllYoYens

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Story about 4 guys in ghillie suits in the forest that sneak up to you, smack you to make you faint, pull you into a box of wire fencing and watch you starve. Then in direct chat they say, "Welcome to Hell."
  8. AllYoYens

    Zombies = superman

    These are not people. These are dead hulks of meat connected to a broken nervous system. They shouldn't have the same attributes as a human. If they did, humanity would already be dead.
  9. You're not experienced in the game enough then. It's very very easy to find a weapon. Spawns were increased greatly, you just need to know where to look.
  10. So will tents respawn after a server restart or has that changed? I heard a rumour where tents may pemanently disappear after resets. Is this true?
  11. AllYoYens

    Are Tents Still Going to Reappear?

    I'm a hoarder in video games. I can't stand not knowing if my gear is gone. We have a squad of 4, we need to put lots of medical supplies and ammunition in there. We're all currently holding really nice guns but have nowhere to put them. Our inventory is full and we rely on tents greatly. We can't play properly without a place to keep items. I can't accept this right now.
  12. AllYoYens


    I have faith in the team. It's only alpha. After a month of playing I'm waiting for beta, I'm not going to play until the fucking tents are sorted out. Disappear, reappear. Lose my shit, it comes back. Now after the reset 4 tents are gone. No point in playing if my gear disappears all the time.
  13. AllYoYens

    Are Tents Still Going to Reappear?

    Well there's goes any reason to keep playing until all the rules are sorted out. There's no point in getting my guns they'll just disappear in less than a week from server resets.
  14. Less range on sight for zombies. Zombies run way too fast. WAY TOO FAST. Range now is between the 1.7 and, patch but leaning to the 1.7 patch. Maybe a little more in the middle would be better. Tents not disappearing between server restarts would be nice. I can't stand all of my gear being lost. I simply can't play anymore because nothing I get matters, it just disappears.
  15. AllYoYens


    I like when people die.
  16. So will tents respawn after a server restart or has that changed? I heard a rumour where tents may pemanently disappear after resets.Is this true? Sorry for double post. It went to a weird error screen. Don't know how to delete the post in this new UI.
  17. AllYoYens

    Pass out everytime i log in

    It's from logging off to avoid danger.
  18. AllYoYens

    Split person (I have 2 characters?)

    It's from Desync. Essentially, both servers are saving your character, but one is saving server side and not on the Hive. With two different saves, when you join the one with the non Hive save, you'll be in a different place.
  19. AllYoYens

    How did you discover Day Z?

  20. Will tents be wiped after the update? From previous restarts your tent would disappear, maybe, but after a second restart your tents would come back. Are tents perma wiped from the update?
  21. Found a crashed heli site. There was like an epi pen next to it. I checked it out later, but there was nothing new. Does loot respawn at helis?
  22. AllYoYens

    Danger Zones- A Danger Map

    No problem. Just credit me I guess. I PMed you.
  23. AllYoYens

    Fainting on Spawn

    Just started happening. My friend and I faint immediately after spawning in on the game. Full blood, no problems. We just faint when we log in.