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Posts posted by xxpillsxx

  1. hmmm i dont know if i like the direction they are aiming with the infected. They are too strong. What i have heard is, that you need  several hits with the fireaxe to kill one. I had only a shovel and i had to hit the z sooo damn often. 


    But maybe it is so frustrating because of the weird behavior of the z's in combat. They hit you without making any animation, hit you very fast and move weird in combat. Also while i was playing today, they ignored every closed door  :(



    So if they are aiming for much much more infected in chernarus, they need to be nerfed a bit. At least reduce their health. 

    This is the original vision of the devs. They want the game to be hard and cruel -- SURVIVAL -- and they want you to avoid zombies, seeing them as a threat. But this is a good direction for the game, as it will force players to work with each others to be able to survive, because surviving alone will get harder and harder.

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  2. Currently it entails a merge of new tech, creating the enfusion renderer as a platform to use in dayz and our future games. Q1 goal means, we will have a dx9 version ready (PC). Than we will start work of upgrading the tech to support new DX version, enabling the work on the console version.


    It will go through couple of months of bugfixing internaly and get on experimental later in Q1. We will see when its ready for stable.


    The renderer is not multithreaded yet, but if VR and Enfusion is ran in single thread mode you can see about 30-40% increase in fps. Probably will translate in multithread version. 


    DX9 version is not gonna carry much aesthetic updates, besides some lightning changes, but it will have a complete particle editor so we can finaly have some nice effects.

    I don't mean to sound like a "DayZ will never leave Alpha" here, but I have to ask to adjust my hype: Do you think at least the initial implemention will make it in time as the roadmap stated (Q1)?

  3. I've played DayZ for only about a week, but in that week I've also caught up with its progress, and it seems like it's slow BUT because they're working on a lot of features at once, including the new renderer and the revamp of the engine, so I won't be surprised that it's slow, that's actually fast for a pretty small team like them compared to other giant companies.


    Now, to the main topic: the recent status reports show that they're doing progress steadily, and if I remember correctly they've been working on vehicles for some weeks or months now and in the latest status report, they are working on the V3S' parts and impact implementation, which I assume to be (almost) the final things for the first vehicle, and also they have started implementing horticulture, along with barricading and server/game optimization and fixing (zombies included). That means this week and the previous week, community's most wanted features have began or are in development, but I haven't heard anything about the new engine or the renderer the previous week.

    The final question: Assuming the Enfusion engine (with the new renderer) will be completed before end of year, do you think DayZ will reach beta or at least have the features I mentioned? Or will it most likely be pushed back til Feb - April next year?

    If it gets pushed back, I am sure we will see a lot of complaints on how the game is going so slow it will never be cared about when it finishes.


    TL;DR: Do you think DayZ will get into Beta end of / next year? If not, will it at least have what most people have been asking for?
