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Everything posted by Anttonn

  1. Anttonn

    Trading Post

    Nope but it's pretty easy to follow the paper trail. I made posts on both here and reddit in the past week to 2 weeks that I wanted an M4 for tent swap. Me and dreypa agreed and it went off without a hitch. If this was all a big setup and I knew dreypa you wouldn't be able to go back and see my many posts advertising trade because if I knew him I wouldn't have bothered to advertise. See what I mean?
  2. Anttonn

    Trading Post

    its not a buyers beware situation when i literally just vouched for him. lets relax.
  3. Anttonn

    Trading Post

    I traded with dreypa 2 days ago, was the first time ive ever traded and i hope every trade goes that smoothly. I got lost up north moving to the rally point and he was patient and welcoming. We were moving high end gear and he could have easily shot me and taken the stuff. (I was outnumbered) Everything went smoothly and i still talk to him on a regular basis. You shouldnt have any worries trading with dreypa.
  4. Anttonn

    Trading Post

    Pimped out M4 with red dot pristine. Pimped out Fnx45 with light and red dot. Flashbang skull balaclava. WANT TENT I know I haven't done any trades here but I'm a trustworthy person. Promise no shenanigans.
  5. Anttonn

    Trading Post

    Have: M4 with 40 round clip 30 round clip and multiple 10/20 round clips. Red dot sight pristine. Fnx45 with red dot and flashlight and 2 mags. Engraved 1911. Flashbang. Want: Tent or Smersh