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Everything posted by Kilo11

  1. I would love to see a motorcycle. Dirtbike would come in handy. Quads also. I do agree I saw someone posting more cars. Cause in zombie apocolypse vehicles would be everywhere packed with supplies. But Zombies would be there also. It is a fictional 3rd world country and nice thing about that is that most cars would be made by same company so most parts would be compatible with each other. I would also like to see a welding kit added. So if you find metal poles and spikes you can welded onto the front of the car/truck and run some zombies over! Just a suggestion.
  2. Kilo11

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    For general release I would say #2 Day Z logo - nice and simple. For players that get the reference or later on release #3 You are dead especially if BI decided to release either a Day Z title. #1 I say should be only available to Alpha testers! Only sugestion would be to put the shilohette of the guy w/gun on either the center back or on the sleeve and smaller like a brand. That would look cool!
  3. Kilo11

    Melee Weapon Petition

    This is my 2 cents on the subject. Let's talk about Pros first. Pros- - In real life I would use anything I see that could harm a zombie to defend myself idealistically it would be a gun, but not everyone has one but melee weapons can be anything that has reach. - I say heavy item or more durable (machete, axe, metal bats, chainsaws) would take up a primary weapon slot. - Smaller items or throw able objects (throwing knifes, hammer, and ninja stars...lol) would be slotted for secondary. - Any items that would require a power source (chainsaw) you must carry a jerrycan to fill it up with. - I do agree that melee weapons would degrade after use so there should be items that could repair it (Sharpening stone - machete,axe, sword) (chainsaw blade - Chainsaw) - Non-repairable melees would be 2x4 wood plank, wood table leg, bar stool, etc. Those just splinter an disappear after use. - I think it would be cool if we have a possibility to spawn with it ex % spawn weapon type: - melee (primary) = 30 % - handgun = 15% - melee (non-repairable) = 50% - Nothing (Flashlight) = 5% I think that percentages sounds realistic to me. what do you guys think? If I was leaving my comfort of my own home into a possible danger (Everyday) I make sure that I'm protected and safe. As for animation considering the fact that the makers of the mod works for BI im pretty sure they can come up with something reasonable. The recent update 1.7.1 came with new animation for zombies. Furthermore someone mentioned getting infected by contact. It all depends upon how realistic you want it to be. LOL its Zombies for crying out loud! Anyways if they are real it depends on what kinda zombie (different movies) they are from. Some airborne, mostly it must spread through open wound - (bites, spits, clawing) or through ingestion open mouth. So only way to get infected is through contact unless you gonna count through pores then you have to look into blood splatter which occurs with shotguns, close range handguns, melees. So let simplify it and say you can get infected only by open wound/mouth melee weapons would work. Example: you have a chainsaw. You have been running with it, come upon a group of zombies. You charge in like Leeroy! your exhausted so your character has a high likeability that his/her mouth will be open. Blood splats everywhere...goes into mouth. Slowly but surely your character turns into zombie. Example 2: same chainsaw same scenario. but this time you stop rest and casually walk up and kill some zombies like a champ! mouth closed (face shield, gas mask) protecting possible ingestion and you live and nothing happens other then make a lot of noise. But still you sawed through zombies...its worth it! What do you guys think possible? I say yes! I would love to see some melee weapons added to 1.7.2! :) Cons: - simply put there isn't much. some people will always be immature im sure i can imagine people at spawn chainsawing each other but for the rest of us that would be entertaining to watch!