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About antiwarus

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. antiwarus

    The battle for pants!

    This was kinda a yolo character as my geared character had died recently due to falling off the cargo ship, but as too the punching random people I don't like that tbh
  2. antiwarus

    The battle for pants!

  3. Standing on top of a building in Lingor at pitch black at night, next minute gunfire lights up the roof of which im standing on and i sprint off the roof in panic. As Im falling I scream into side channel and scare alot of people XD
  4. antiwarus

    Can my computer even run this?

    I see the problem, you are using winows 98.
  5. antiwarus

    Green Mt.

    I accidently stumbled into it... Since then ive slept with my kitty in a death-like grip :| Never again....
  6. antiwarus

    How do i loose the chasing zombies?

    I see what you did there
  7. I know its a silly question but is there a button or do you use the mouse scroll?
  8. antiwarus

    Cant download files

    Thanks bro :D
  9. antiwarus

    Cant download files

    Ok so my internet is having some issues and i cannot download 3 files for day z to work: the sfx.rar, weapon.rar and the beta patch. So if anyone is feeling generous can you please send the files to [email protected] (if you have the files or not) thanks <3 i love you long time
  10. So Im downloading OA at the moment and going to download day z later, when i look at all these posts all i see is people complaining about bandits and at that such, when I get Day Z, should i become a bandit or surviour? Both look like they have negatives and benefits, just choosing is the right one is going to be difficult. So if you have time, pls halp :D
  11. I discovered it while I was scrolling through servers and found a couple of these servers which were full, best thing ever! :)