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Everything posted by raswildhammer

  1. Hello fellow Survivors! I was walking up the notorious sniping tower in Cherno on a relatively low pop server (8 total) and reached the top of the building in the screen cap posted below, when all of a sudden I see a guy emerge from the building circled in red. I was low geared so it didn't bother me that much, I respawned and tried to get to where the bandit was located (inside red circle) and I cannot for the life of me get up there. Can anyone please explain to me how to get inside that building? The furthest I've been able to go is about half-way up the ladder but it won't allow you to go up any futher TL;DR How do i get inside (to the top) of the building circled in red? https://imageshack.com/i/exYQYPmlp thanks