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Everything posted by jlquigley

  1. jlquigley

    Dayz SA not realistic at all.

    I really can't agree with that statement as nothing is normal or dull about a zombie apocalypse. Although, the rate at which hunger develops and how quickly articles of clothing/weapons deteriorate; a can of beans, bottle of water (1/4 full), jacket, and a baseball bat won't last long if not for the first 5-10 minutes (assuming that none of the items are in pristine conditions) All it does is provide a slight buffer for those instances when you're in those looted towns far from the major cities. So you'll still have your chance to come back from being a starving popsicle. And to answer your question, it didn't really feel good waking up in a pile of loot. I like the excitement of trying to hunt around, but I don't like the idea of waking up on the verge of death either.
  2. jlquigley

    Dayz SA not realistic at all.

    I don't really have much of a complaint but more so ideas. It would be interesting not to start out completely butt naked with a flashlight. If we want to do go along the lines of a realistic factor without taking away too much of the challenge, we should instead spawn with a jacket (because it's always bloody cold), small backpack, a can of beans, water bottle, baseball bat and a flashlight. To me, that's how most people would be wandering around post-apocalypse. It's not giving us the world, but it definitely gives you a better head start than being cold and on the verge of starvation ^_^ Just a thought. There were a couple of times when I spawned in a place full of zombies and picked clean of food (even in so called high loot servers). Yeah... I died of starvation and hypothermia. Other times I got really lucky and got suited up quick. That also makes me wonder... is there a bug with weapons and fighting zombies? There are times I'll be swinging at a zombie's head with an axe and it will miss every time, yet this guy can be facing away from and still beat my arse. If I had to complain about something, it would be that.
  3. Wasn't sure where to type this. But within the past 2 hours, zombies will run right through closed doors. None of them were wearing magical looking capes so I would assume this was a bug.
  4. jlquigley

    Zombies run through closed doors

    Absolutely amazing... must also explain how they can spot me from literally a mile away. Who said decomposition was a downer??? :P All good though... fucking addicted to this game...
  5. jlquigley

    Zombies run through closed doors

    Oh! Right, thanks. Hours, years... must have been the vodka talking.
  6. jlquigley

    DayZ is peaceful

    Jessica here. I'm not a fan of PvP but will happily shove a pitchfork in your eye if it comes down to it. I'm in MN-USA... communication would be great. Oh yeah... I am what they call a bambi, but I think I'm learning pretty fast. Hit me up. :thumbsup: