I would gladly pay for the software to run a server, don't get me wrong. I'm part of a community that is considering renting a server, who also has experience in running other server software. Just because I don't want to pay 80+ a month doesn't mean I don't have the funds. In my eyes that price would make sense in a full release with say 100+ slots on a server, and minimal lag. I have played on a lot of the servers out there, and quiet a few of them are a lag fest. Which, the option of hosting myself, would mean less people connecting to a server farm, and less traffic trying to go in and out of one area. It makes complete sense to allow user hosting(at some point) for this exact reason. It opens up servers in less popular areas giving people more options for connections, and takes the load off of server farms in popular areas. I completely understand why they wouldn't/aren't allowing it right now. From optimization to bugs/issues and servers that don't follow the rules. Honestly, most issues with hacking could be solved with background programs(like BattleEye) running checks on file integrity/tampering, which if detected, can easily ban the server. People should be thinking about the good this can do, and not focusing on the negative reasons why it shouldn't be done. While, yes there are people that just want to watch the world burn, there are even more of us that want to do the right thing and create an enjoyable experience for friends and others.