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Everything posted by Rakjoke

  1. Hi, I have a HUGE problem with DayZ that has been driving me crazy on trying to fix it for weeks! I've browsed every forum possible for a solution and I have come up with absolutely nothing! I honestly have no idea what's going on with it, the last time I played DayZ was about 2 months ago, didn't play it for a whole month. Then when I decide to play it again, all my servers are grey, and yet DayZ mod is installed! Then I noticed where you can choose the updates for Arma 2 at the top of the "install/update" tab, it said "Verify Arma 2" and "Verify Arma 2 OA". Every time I hit one, it verify's my game cache and when it's done, it says "1 file failed to validate and will be reaquired" EVERY single time! It's not fixing them and I don't know why! Also if I download an update for the game and run it, I get an error saying something about 16.2 being outdated with 16.3. I've looked at three different solutions that were supposed to fix it but it didn't! I even have it set to "1.62 - Older version of the game" in Properties<Betas! I don't even know if I've covered all the problems! I'm going to reinstall the mod on Commander and hopefully it'll do something or something. I hope someone can help me, because I need to get this mod working again, it's been WAY too long!! Thank you in advance!