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Everything posted by SonOfCivic

  1. SonOfCivic

    Zombies and rarity of guns

    I was playing today and where ever i went there were no guns of any-sort. nor me-lee. another issue was that the zombies did not die by lots of punches in the head or any me-lee strikes. so i found that i need to run and even when i got from my spawn to the nearest town and i lost it 10 secs later it found me again in a building. in my opinion this needs to fixed before they add anything else or make weaker guns much more easy to find so you can defend your self.
  2. SonOfCivic

    Zombies and rarity of guns

    at the time i had no melee weapons and i tried to lock em in buildings and they walked through the doors
  3. SonOfCivic


    What would you guys think if they added in he L115a(L96) or some other snipers thaty will either be found at heli crash sites or very rare to find.
  4. SonOfCivic


    the scope sway is nothing much. And bean king i thyink you have a good point which is why i pout L115a (l96) as a thing saying L96 eqaully as good. they could aslo have the l96 which uses the 7.62 becasue my research has foudn a modified varient.
  5. SonOfCivic

    Zombies and rarity of guns

    so maybe it is just me wh is having trouble becasue evrytime i hit the zombie they fall to ground after 10 hits, the hitmarkers are a bit messed up for me. even when the zombie downs it doesn't die after continous hits to the head. i also had a hard time finding a weapon of some sort.