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Everything posted by daze23

  1. well if it goes f2p they'll have to find something to 'sell'. and then balance that to keep it from becoming 'pay to win'. usually this is done by making cosmetic items available for cash, and/or being able to unlock items 'early' for cash. obviously Day Z would need to be a much more in-depth game in order for this to happen
  2. look at the thread title it's hard to fall back and play innocent after that
  3. daze23


    after the Carebears is there something we can do about My Little Pony?
  4. yeah, they're both video games I think it's funny that COD has become this internet bandwagon punching-bag
  5. daze23

    Difference in difficulty?

    I think there's some guidelines as to what they're supposed to be. unfortunately too many server admins pick and choose what options to allow, and the difficulties become sorta meaningless
  6. then why would he be at Rezzed?
  7. daze23

    Golden AKS founded :/

    I was just wondering, cause I never seen it, but I hear about it here from time to time
  8. Your insane if you go and buy a 3970k just for gaming. All you need is a i5-2500k' date=' anything above that is just overkill and wont even affect gameplay. As far as the GTX 690 goes make sure you really want that card, i bought a GTX 480 fermi on sale for 220$ and it out performs a stock GTX 580 (Only draw back is the card runs hot). Do your research before you jump the gun, just a suggestion. [/quote'] http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/309?vs=305
  9. daze23

    Golden AKS founded :/

    under what conditions does it tell you who killed who? (lol @ "friendly fire")
  10. daze23

    spawned in novy sobor. bug?

    after you died you hit the "respawn button"?
  11. turn off/down AA and PP I got an i7 860 and a GTX 260, and hardly ever see the FPS drop below 30
  12. Steam version here https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations-steam-version
  13. remember you can respawn on the same server, find your body, and get your stuff back I actually did this accidentally. I died from zeds with a bunch of good stuff (just some stupid ish where I got knocked out from one hit). I respawned, and hours later found a body with a bunch of good stuff in a 'random' building. shortly after I thought about the location and the equipment, and realized it was my body and my stuff a lot of snipers don't bother to loot bodies either. but those locations tend to be dangerous to return to just something to keep in mind when it seems "all is lost"
  14. daze23

    Dont have an open bag option??

    sometimes it hard to find the spot. also if there's other stuff around, you have to pick that up first
  15. daze23

    How to survive solo!

    you have to be in a 'forest' area, not just next to any tree. then I stand next to (tall) tree, open the inventory, right click the hatchet, and select "harvest wood". if it doesn't work, try moving to another tree further into the forest. and remember you need 2 slots open in your inventory for the wood then you actually have to right click the matches to make a pile of wood for the fire. then point at the pile, and use the mouse wheel to select "light fire". now there should be an option for "cook meat". it is a kinda weird process...
  16. daze23

    How to survive solo!

    yep, matches are key to surviving solo - matches, hatchet, and hunting knife: cooked meat restores 800 blood - binoculars: make sure you scope out the area before you go in - morphine: in case you break your leg
  17. I think they're working on 'fixing' that (by letting the zeds run inside). do your thing, but know that strategy might not work forever
  18. daze23

    Game Mechanics unlike most other games?

    try to get through the first bootcamp mission in Arma 2
  19. daze23

    Do's and Dont's of D/Cing

    as far as being AFK during combat, isn't that an issue in many games? even SP games have checkpoints and whatnot. you can't expect to be able to leave a game whenever you want and not be penalized
  20. daze23

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Actually BI have allowed him to use company resources, from what I've read.. but he's still not getting paid to work on DayZ. He is under contract to work on Arma 3, DayZ is still his own personal side project, and yes, he is still doing work on it in his spare time. BI still has to finish and release Arma 3.. and ultimately, that is what his contract is for. You should avoid using sarcasm unless you specifically know what you're talking about, otherwise you just come off looking like an ass. ;) he's at Rezzed promoting Day Z. at some point you just have to call a spade a spade. saying he can use company resources to promote the mod, but he's not contracted to work on the mod, is just semantics IMO