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Everything posted by daze23

  1. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I'm not the one making sideways threats some of yall need to learn how to post without all this crap. this forum is full of exaggerations, threats, 'why' questions, overuse of the word "broken", and a bunch of crap that doesn't help make the game better at all
  2. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    don't let the door hit you on the way out
  3. daze23

    US171 Mass Teleporting

    I just abort right away. I don't know why people hang out to see what's gonna happen after they just got teleported across the map. I guess people think they're really gonna come out of that firefight alive
  4. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    interesting but as long as there's stuff to fix, there may be more beta patches
  5. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    well don't accidentally shoot your mate :)
  6. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    "once we have the algorithms sorted...."
  7. daze23

    Hackers READ THIS!!!!

    I semi understand it in other games that track stats and have leaderboards and whatnot. but in this game it seems people hack just to be dicks. hopefully the thrill of that will wear off soon
  8. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    lol, that's my favorite spawn
  9. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    that is kinda like 'server-hopping' this is what I was saying before, people are gonna have to learn to play different. everyone's got used to be able to jump around servers with no worries. well that might change
  10. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    huh? why is he a hacker? because he has a truck?
  11. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    people keep saying this kinda stuff, but I find it hard to believe you game online at all if your internet is that bad everyone needs to relax and wait until the patch is out, and we see what this is all about. it seems they're gonna be locking for certain patterns and people that do it a lot. so if your internet goes out every now and then, you should be ok
  12. daze23

    US194 Admin Abuse - Teleported All Players

    b-b-but my brother's friends's cousin knows a guy that said he heard admins can teleport
  13. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    it might not be possible given the nature of the mod
  14. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    first you need to get the servers in line but I don't have a problem with some servers offsetting their time. I understand some people can only play at night, and may want to play in day time. I'd rather have that then people joining games halfway around the world, and creating a laggy experience for all. I think harsh ping limits would keep a lot of people from playing together, so I don't think that would work as it relates to this disconnecting issue, it's just important that the severs are using the time they claim they are
  15. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    the thing with the server time is an issue. they need to get all the servers in line. if some servers want to offset their time by 12 hours, that's fine, but as it is there's no rhyme or reason to it that being said, it's usually easy to tell if a server's night or day my how many people are playing the whole concept of the real-time game is cool, but I'm not sure how it will work in the long run. night time has just become something that people avoid. I'm not sure how that can be fixed. I always have this dilemma where I have to drop my pistol to use my flashlight. maybe if there was (better) loot that only spawned at night, that would be more incentive for people to play at night
  16. look at all the threads in this forum. the teleport shit is happening on servers everywhere
  17. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    lol just like with many of these updates, people are gonna have to learn to play different people also need to wait to see what it's all about before raging about it
  18. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    there's plenty of games out there that will penalize you in some way for getting disconnected. losing power while playing a video game is never a good thing
  19. daze23

    Admin abuse

    it's just circumstantial. the server went down after you killed someone. I'm not saying the admin didn't do it, it's just not "proof". I don't care, but you're talking about blacklisting the server and all that
  20. daze23

    Admin abuse

    your evidence is rather flimsy. the severs go down a lot
  21. it happened to me last night. I aborted the second I got teleported. I don't know why people stick around to see whats gonna happen
  22. daze23

    US 385 Mass Teleport!

    ok, but you were talking about "clan gearing" if you're doing it for the "lewlz", you want to teleport them, and then kill them, or watch them kill each other. booting everyone and locking the server doesn't help with that
  23. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    you're gonna suffer because of exploiters one way or the other. either they're gonna exploit and kill you, or the system set in place to punish them might sometimes punish a legit player. I prefer the latter this is the way of the world. we all suffer because some people can't play right