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Everything posted by daze23

  1. it's fine as long as you're just reporting what you saw the problem is it usually comes with a "rocket is so stupid", "this game is completely broken", "thank god for War Z", "I'm not playing again until...", "why don't they stop the hackers", "I want my $30 back", etc
  2. daze23


    it is what? I think it doesn't work in most games because they have it disabled. but it will close almost any windows program try it now if you don't believe me :D
  3. daze23

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    hmm, what about the other pistols? I really don't care. I just wonder if it was intended, since it seems to be because of the Arma update
  4. daze23


    alt-f4 is not a feature or an option in DayZ. it is a windows shortcut to close a program. there is no 'valid excuse' to use it "but I don't want to get killed by hackers" is not an excuse. it's also a slippery slope that leads to people alt-f4'ing every time the think someone's hacking
  5. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I don't know what to say anymore. I know no one wants to read through this long thread. not to be mean, but you're late to the discussion. take the time to get caught up, or search for rocket's posts, or at least look through the last few pages before posting
  6. daze23


    too overpowered I imagine
  7. daze23

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    no, only the revolver. I found out the hard way and almost died. a zed hit me and I was bleeding. I shot him (once), and quickly opened my gear to use a bandage. then I realized he was still alive and hitting me. he then knocked me unconscious. :( while waiting for the timer I'm thinking "did I miss him?" I get back up, shoot him again, and he's still hitting me. now I'm thinking zeds are invulnerable. one more shot, and he goes down. bandaged myself up with around 1500 blood left. then went to test it on other zeds. yep, 3 shots
  8. turn off Anti Aliasing and Post Processing I too get 60fps with most modern games, but even with the above suggestion this game dips into the 30's. try not to worry too much about the number as long as you're not getting bad stuttering and such. even in the 30's the framerate is usually pretty 'smooth' for me and play with the settings, cause some are counter-intuitive. changing shadows from normal to high actually increased my fps
  9. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    you'll get a perma-ban and charged with a felony
  10. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    meh, I feel his frustration. it's just post after post of people basically saying "my dog ate my homework" this, like most online games, requires that you have a consistent internet connection. and just like other online games, if some 'emergency' comes up 'in real life' there is no pause button
  11. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    if you get kicked for high ping, you'll never be able to play the game again (all I have left is sarcasm)
  12. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I'm all for stopping f4'ers, I just don't want it to interfere with my server-hopping :)
  13. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    well said people get so used to this stuff, they think it's actually part of the game
  14. daze23

    US 1024

    uh, because there's rules and shit. having a private server is against those rules
  15. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    not me. every time I rush to Cherno or Elektro, I find good stuff, but seldom make it out alive that's why I like spawning in Kamenka. I hit the deer-stands and barns to the north, the supermarket in Zelen, and then head further north. the big cities are just death traps IMO
  16. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I get them. I get the feeling it's not that widespread, and probably unique to certain vid cards
  17. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I guess it caused lag. they said they're gonna try it out again in closed testing
  18. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    yeah, but you see how people play the game. whether or not it "breaks the game", people would be respawning to stock up on bandages
  19. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    lol. an option to shoot yourself would be cool, but I get the feeling that would cause some controversy
  20. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    you're supposed to crawl until you find morphine. if that doesn't sound appealing, then yeah, death by zeds is the other option. it's definitely more realistic than a 'suicide button'
  21. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    it's been said a few times that you don't have to worry if you were never able to successfully connect