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Everything posted by daze23

  1. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    it now takes 8-9 shots from a .45 to kill a player. seems a little off
  2. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    weapons that use similar ammo, and used to do equal damage, are now different. for instance the m4, m16, and ak's all used to do 3555 damage, but now the ak's have been nurfed to 2722 I don't know enough about ballistics to know how much of this is accurate
  3. supermarkets and houses
  4. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    we don't know if he did or didn't "have nothing to do with it" I'm just not gonna assume either until we get some kind of official word
  5. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    it's kinda splitting hairs at this point it seems to have specifically affected the weapons used in DayZ
  6. well they're all in bed together I don't know what happened exactly, or if this was intended to affect DayZ, but the idea that DayZ and Arma 2 are completely separate isn't really true. a lot of these things in the recent Arma 2 beta updates were to accommodate things in DayZ
  7. daze23

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    here's the numbers: http://dayzdb.com/news/weapon-changes-in-arma2-162
  8. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

  9. daze23

    Damage reduction?

    you'll have to update eventually. might as well start getting used to it now
  10. daze23

    Damage reduction?

    yep, when coupled with the zed's erratic behavior it makes things challenging. it wouldn't be so bad if you could shoot them from a distance, but they tend to zig-zag around a lot. then when they get near you, it's like you're just taking damage, whether or not they're 'hitting' you anyway there's been a few threads on this. one started by me. I don't think it was intended. especially since it started with the Arma patch, so I imagine it might effect all Arma 2 players, and not just DayZ
  11. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I don't think it was intended. but no official word yet...
  12. daze23

    Revolver and M1911 nerfed?

    I was wondering about this a lot of yall get too far ahead of yourself. we don't even know if this was intended, so all talk about what a .45 can do in real life is besides the point. I don't think it was intended because it's a pretty drastic change. I'm not talking about the effects it may have on DayZ gameplay, just the fact the amount of damage is 1/3-1/4 what it used to be
  13. daze23

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    just replace your arma2ao.exe file with one of the recent beta's but I think we should worry about moving forward and resolving the issue
  14. the nvg's are mine. I was drunk one night and left them in that truck
  15. no, the makarov is even more worser
  16. you're actually required by law to buy it. and it will cost $500 next time read carefully before agreeing to the Terms of Service
  17. it seems like it takes long at first. but once you learn the routes, and where to stop on the way, it's not bad at all. make the whole trip into an activity: stay in the trees/cover. constantly look around for other players. constantly look around for crashed helicopters. carefully scope out an area before entering. I think doing all that makes the trip more interesting and helps time pass. not to mention maybe you'll stay alive and become a better player (no offense, we all can improve). just holding down W and saying "OMG this takes forever" makes it boring and seem like a chore
  18. daze23

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    I think it is a bug or something unintended. going from 1 shot to 3-4 shots is pretty drastic. that's not a slight tweaking of the damage
  19. daze23

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    first I got the update from Six, but never played that. later Steam updated. then I played, and noticed the issues the arma2ao.exe in my main folder and expansion/beta folder both claim to be they're both also exactly 12,849 kb another difference I notice was on the main menu screen. when I launch with Six, it shows both the Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA logos, just like when I launch 'Combined Operations' through Steam. before the update, when I launched with Six, it would only show me the Arma 2 OA logo the other addition was the new video options: PPAA, and AtoC. do people without the Steam update have those?
  20. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I assume it means get all the way to the "setup complete" message but does it really take you 3-5 servers every time you want to play? every once and awhile I get a laggy server, but it's not that often. if it's an issue with night servers, they're easy to avoid by looking at how many people are playing. and of course check the ping before joining. what exactly is the issue that's causing you to have to join 3-5 servers every time you want to play?
  21. daze23

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    wow the makarov is weak now. it's pretty much useless if you don't get a head shot
  22. you actually see a lot of that watching peoples videos. it seems clear a lot of people are server-hopping and/or duping it funny because a lot of those videos are put up to point out hackers or whatever, and meanwhile their whole squad has all the best gear
  23. I haven't found a toolbox for a long time never found NVG's, any light machine gun, As50, SVD, or L85 never seen a bear trap found antibiotics once on a player. m107 in a tent
  24. well the barracks have unique loot that's not at deer stands. crashed heli's as well. but yeah, you can find plenty of decent loot at deer-stands