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Everything posted by daze23

  1. yeah, if they aggro, they catch up to you no matter what. then they pretty much match your speed, so it really doesn't matter much if you're standing or crouch running. I think it's easier to lose their LOS when crouch running
  2. daze23

    Graphical bugs

    this is the barn to the east of NWAF that tower is coming right out of the dead soldiers there turns out the dead soldiers are actually programs trying to contact their user
  3. I found a crashed heli and no zeds spawned the whole time I was there. kinda weird, but I'm not complaining... :D
  4. I frequent a lot of deer-stands, before and after the patch, and I usually don't find a weapon every 2-3 deer-stands
  5. daze23

    Removing 1 problem makes 10 more.

    I don't think it had much to do with accidental clicking the main issue was people constantly respawning was lagging the hive server and it's an exploit people were using to pick their spawn
  6. daze23

    Removing 1 problem makes 10 more.

    it's supposed to be enabled when you break your leg, but a few people have said it's not. but they might be lying...
  7. have you been around any of the affected areas?
  8. it now takes me 3 shots from the revolver to down a zed. I tested it a few times. the DMR still put them down with one shot
  9. here's what rocket said on reddit about the nerf
  10. that's the way this game is. you just got to not pay attention to the numbers and only worry if you're getting bad stuttering. 30 fps really isn't that bad. when it gets to the low-mid 20's it gets bad
  11. daze23

    The Game Is Now Un-Playable.

    sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle
  12. people constantly respawning was slowing down the servers you can still suicide by zombies
  13. the weapon nerf wasn't intended for DayZ. rocket's working on it
  14. if the mod was still in it's original state, and this many people were playing, it probably wouldn't work at all telling someone to stop collecting data, and go with their gut feeling, is terrible advice IMO. and that has nothing to do with how it relates to this game a "gut feeling" will get you started, then you need to collect data to see how to get your "gut feeling" to actually work
  15. I think it was mostly done because all that respawning and character creation was lagging the servers after that, probably because people were exploiting it to choose their spawn and then maybe because people were hitting it by accident
  16. it's my favorite spawn this guy just want's to meet back up with his buddies. another thing I noticed when people complain about this stuff is that apparently no one has buddies that are willing to meet them halfway
  17. the fact that dying separates you from your group is part of the game. it's yet another reason to try to stay alive I'm glad I played this game solo for weeks before grouping with people. some of you become so dependent on your group that you can't imagine playing any other way
  18. I think the zed sight and hearing is fine. some of you need to learn to play different they do still have some spawning issues though
  19. that, and every other 'fix' out there seem to only temporarily fix the problem. I think those temp fixes just 'reset' your video, but eventually the problem starts again
  20. apparently you need to post on reddit now to communicate with the devs yeah I'm mad >:(
  21. they aggro cause you're shooting your gun. the hearing was 'broken' with the last patch, and now it's 'fixed' the thing to remember with how they react to sound is they go to where they heard the sound come from. so when you shoot, don't stay in the same position
  22. no offense, but plenty of people have suggested something like that, and rocket has said he's not too into it a few people have pointed out that it could lead to people basically deathmatching. if you die in some hotspot (cherno, elektro, etc), you can just respawn near there and rejoin the battle... forever