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Everything posted by daze23

  1. as it is, it's just a proof of concept. it's a sandbox with players, zombies, and guns and not to assume, but I'm surer the game is boring if you're server hopping to find loot, duping items, alt-f4'ing, etc. it reminds me of Skyrim when everyone grinded their smithing and enchantment to the max level, and then complained the game was too easy
  2. I encountered it when I hit "F" by accident and selected the glow sticks or whatever
  3. the grass ain't always greener on the other side standalone might never happen. hacking might be worse. the world might end next week. the future is very uncertain
  4. daze23

    NVG's - after fixes

    30 in the last few days?
  5. daze23

    NVG's - after fixes

    well you must be server hopping to find them that often
  6. Skyrim is a game in an established series, made by an established company
  7. daze23

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    there maybe 5 LMG's, but good luck finding them
  8. they could have just logged in there
  9. that often? stay away from those servers I've only seen a few hacks in the month and a half I've been playing this. an invisible guy was trolling me one time in stary. I saw a few helicopters (when they weren't spawning) and a-10's, but they never did anything to me. one time my legs just broke and I died, I guess that was hacking. I was teleported once. and that's about it. I play on random US servers btw
  10. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    well duh. of course that fixes it
  11. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    it definitely comes right from the dead soldiers for me.I had the barbed wire artifacting before, but this is different
  12. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    all these 'fixes' for the artifacts are temporary at best. I understand people are trying to help, but just understand what 'fixed' it for you might not work for other people, or it might only temporarily solve the issue for other people when I first turn on the game, I don't get artifacts, but eventually they creep up. all these 'fixes' essentially do the same thing. they 'reset' the video, but the artifacts eventually come back and as the suggested 'fixes' get more complicated (people rolling back certain dayz files), who knows what other unintended issues may crop up for some people. that's another reason I think they should prioritize fixing this issue. people trying to fix it on their own could just create a bigger mess. we can all talk about who's 'fault' that is, but the point is it will be a mess and clog up these forums with more crap
  13. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    I use 95417 and still get artifacting it all started with the DayZ patch, so I wouldn't expect an Arma 2 beta patch to fix it
  14. daze23

    Pending Update: Build

    the problem is he said in that interview that the patch was working great. idk, maybe we're misinterpreting what he said. but I understand people's frustration when they're having bad artifacting, and it seems like rocket's holding off on the patch that would fix that. again, I'm not saying that's what's necessarily going on, just that I'm sure many people interpret it that way if the fix for the artifacting is ready, I think it should be released asap
  15. daze23

    Dayz is not that amazing?

    it's like me saying "this game sucks. I run into the woods, sit down, and do nothing. eventually I get hungry, and my character dies. I don't see the point of this game"
  16. did you lose your equipment?
  17. seems like a good short term thing for those lucky enough to have a password for a private server, but not something that's going to lead to widespread success of the game seems it could lead to a lot of other issues as well when servers are full
  18. I just don't think people want to play like that. I don't want to play like that not to be too cliche, but there's plenty of other games out there that offer that kind of experience. DayZ not being like that is a big part of it's appeal it seems this is always the issue to fall back to when talking about private servers. the hacking thing is an issue with battleye, the arma2 engine, and the nature of it already being a mod/hack. moving forward to a stand-alone game hopefully these issues can be resolved. and hopefully sooner than later changes can be made to lessen the ease of hacking in this game. but this concept of a 'persistent mod' is what rocket wants for the game. he's always talking about how he would prefer to have everyone playing on one huge server
  19. I don't like it cause there's only one way in and out. I think it's the only wall on the map with nowhere to crawl under not to mention now I can't even look in it's direction because it's haunted by.... artifacts <_<
  20. seems like that would greatly change this DayZ much of the appeal of this game is how many people are playing and the risks that creates. I think you would lose a lot of that by moving to private servers not to mention if the game ever hopes to have 'leaderboards' and various stat keeping, it's gonna need to have that data centralized somewhere back to Minecraft: lets say I'm a new player. what server do I play on? how do I get access to this server? and how does that method stop hackers from getting onto the same server?
  21. but how would that work with this game where you position, equipment, etc need to be saved? almost every MMO or competitive FPS needs to store all it's data somewhere
  22. again, I really don't know much about Minecraft, or how it works with servers and shared data is it an MMO with private servers? are there no public severs?
  23. "logging out" isn't recorded the same as an alt-f4