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Everything posted by daze23

  1. daze23

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I'm going on the bold assumption that it won't be out this year maybe the full context of the statement would help: no "official release date", but an appeal to 'openness' that's yet to be fulfilled. again, no one forced him to make these statements, but he did. and they say after you make your bed you have to lay in it...
  2. all this talk of "polish" is kinda irrelevant because we were told it would be released 'unfinished' using this 'minecraft mode'. we weren't expecting a bug free game. in fact I was expecting to pay money for something that I knew probably be very buggy, and I was fine with that
  3. daze23

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I just feel like at the moment we're kinda in limbo, and maybe it's not the time to try to make conclusive statements about the release
  4. daze23

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    well if you have sort of conflicting statements, wouldn't you go with the more recent one? you're right I might be taking that statement out of context. that's why people have been saying they don't like these 'riddles'
  5. daze23

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    a lot of things have been officially stated by Rocket. including the recent statement about "there are many forms and ways to release something" I don't remember him saying it would "only" be on Steam
  6. daze23

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    are you making an official statement?
  7. daze23

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    you guys had 3 helicopters?
  8. daze23

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    notice they've pretty much moved on to Wasteland seems like they figured out there's better mods for their style of play
  9. daze23

    Possible DayZ SA Hint - Price

    still could be a threat :o
  10. daze23

    Possible DayZ SA Hint - Price

    looks like it's really a box of bullets. maybe it's a threat :o
  11. daze23

    Possible DayZ SA Hint - Price

    I'll take that as confirmation that Half Life 3 is just around the corner
  12. daze23

    Take on helicopters (DayZ SA)

    where did I say I didn't want them to be harder to fly? I want them to be so difficult to fly and maintain that they might as well not be in the game
  13. daze23

    Take on helicopters (DayZ SA)

    people that actually own a small helicopter also have the resources to maintain them. once 'the shit hits the fan', many of those resources would quickly dry up. the first would be the specialized fuel. not to mention the knowledge needed for maintenance and operation. if your car stalls, or otherwise breaks down, you might have to walk. if your helicopter stalls or breaks down in mid air... yeah... to make a long story short, it doesn't respawn of course there's hypothetical situations you can think of where you could operate and maintain a helicopter after 'the apocalypse' , I just don't think they're probable enough to make them part of the game and personally I panic more when I hear a gun shot or a (land) vehicle, then when I hear a helicopter
  14. daze23

    Take on helicopters (DayZ SA)

    as the mod is, there's only supposed to one heli per server. I definitely don't think this game needs more than 2-3 heli's per server. and like I said before, I'm not sure they belong in a 'survival' game at all
  15. daze23

    Why do I lag in Dayz? ):

    yeah, I would think that's probably something (possibly malicious) running in the background. OP might want to run something like malwarebytes to look into that I think overheating issues usually lead to shut-down, and not decreased performance
  16. it could mean something else we're not thinking of
  17. daze23

    Take on helicopters (DayZ SA)

    I wouldn't mind if there were no helicopters in DayZ SA plenty of 'normal' people have some working knowledge of cars and guns. helicopters, not so much...
  18. daze23

    Survey - What would you do?

    if I hear shots, I want to know where they came from, so I can figure out: were they shooting at me? are they coming my way, or am I going their way? were they shooting at players or zombies? do they have a bandit skin? etc...
  19. daze23

    Day Z

    that's not a "graphics card". it's the integrated graphics the i5 has, and it's not that great for gaming I'll add that if you get a graphics card, you might also need to upgrade the psu
  20. daze23

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    oh god, now the "if the game never comes out, I'll still be happy" shit starts :rolleyes:
  21. daze23

    Everything is private :(

    there's no inherent reason they can't go to whitelisted servers. there's only the hope that they wouldn't bother to go through the whitelisting process, but that's hardly a guarantee ultimately the most important thing is an active admin... that's not hacking or otherwise cheating themselves
  22. if you wish to to say something is delayed, you must first invent the universe :P Merry Christmas folks
  23. daze23

    Outhouses of Chernarus

    beans, ammo, and an outhouse... there's a joke somewhere there :P anyway, you gotta move around to find the 'spot' where you get the 'gear' option. sometimes it's hard to find, but I don't think I've ever not been able to find it
  24. daze23

    I'm stuck anyone wanna help me?..

    you'll notice you got the same advice here that I gave you first of all just spawn and try to hurry down that ladder. there shouldn't be zombies around when you first spawn, unless there's other players around (a high probability at NW Airfield). just know that if you hang around up there long enough, someone will help you down... with a bullet in the head all jokes aside, you're in one of the most dangerous areas on the map. and you got teleported there, so you're not even really ready to be in that area. it's like if you just started playing a game and got teleported to the 'last level'. you're not gonna be prepared, because you didn't get there on your own