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Everything posted by daze23

  1. that really wouldn't solve anything if the time you have to play is still within that 6 hours of darkness
  2. don't change the cycles. just make some servers offset by 12 hours or whatever.
  3. daze23

    every server is dark

    I play without it I'm not gonna mince words here, because IMO this is how the game goes to shit. it all starts with "we do this because x (flashlight, etc) isn't up to par yet..." it's the same excuse I heard for duping, combat logging, hacking, and everything inbetween (and of course "everyone does it"). if and when the flashlight does get better, it will be useless because everyone will be running around with their gamma cranked up
  4. daze23

    every server is dark

    I finally saw some daylight lastnight (this morning) at 3am (central time) I don't mind the night so much, but I would like to be able to play in the daytime at a reasonable hour. I don't think they should shorten or change the length of the cycles, but rather just have some servers that are off-set. I don't think it's fair that if someone can only play a certain times, they're stuck forever playing at night edit: turning up gamma/brightness is cheating IMO
  5. kind of like the "Dev Branch" in Arma3 I see rocket mentioned "Experimental Branch Test" and i wonder if that's what he's talking about
  6. I logged back in, and my pants, backpack, and vest were gone :(
  7. daze23

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    at some point some of these mechanics that are supposed to be realistic/authentic get rather 'gamey'. that's how I feel about the 'stealth' in this game. it's kinda silly that standing on grass or 'the road' so greatly changes your visibility and the noise you make. I understand there are real life conditions that could make that true, but the way that gets translated into the game tends to make it true every time, and it becomes this very 'black and white' thing
  8. daze23

    Steam just updated 1.7.7

    I got it too. no servers yet...
  9. those are actually pretty scary odds
  10. he kinda mentioned things that could be upcoming dev blogs though. he also mentioned the cost of internet access from Everest
  11. they already kinda have it. it just doesn't work with pistols(?). the thing is everyone wants to keep their weapon raised, cause who knows when you're gonna get shot at, and all of a sudden the time it takes to raise your weapon is the difference between life and death
  12. I was thinking about in the context of how it compares to the mod now, where there's fewer enterable buildings, fewer loot spawns, 'trash loot' in many of those few loot spawns, but never the less with a little experience it becomes 'too easy' to survive I think I'm also getting thrown off by the fact that in these demos he just puts cans of food everywhere. I really didn't even consider than most of the loot spawns could just be empty...
  13. I didn't like the idea at first, but now that I see there's time and animations in between, I don't really have a problem with it. but to be fair, I didn't see him use it to actually switch between stuff, rather he was just using it to toggle his weapon
  14. I'm kind of curious how they're gonna reach a balance with having so many loot spawns and 'survival' I'm not particularly fond of having 'trash' loot everywhere either. although it seems like they're trying to find ways to make the trash loot more useful
  15. somebody posted their 'notes' here: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1avhsi/only_livestream_i_could_find_this_is_live/c913xoy
  16. I'm just happy someone is streaming it. and I hope that winter hat and red hair is in the Standalone
  17. they're not covering to DayZ on the stream. and to add insult to injury, it's a 30 min gap where they're showing NOTHING on the stream hopefully it'll be recorded
  18. daze23

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    http://caas.raptr.com/how-dayz-brought-arma-ii-back-to-life/ it easily sold more than a million copies of the game
  19. daze23

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    the timing is kinda awkward. if anything, I would expect this kind of information tomorrow. I wonder if the reporter kinda put him on the spot
  20. daze23

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    June is NOT the "release date". you guys are gonna say that over and over, and set 1000's of people up for more disappointment in June
  21. daze23

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    lol, did you catch up on news before posting?